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December 22, 2014
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Banning Dissent in the Name of Civility

A student group has revoked an invitation for me to speak at a university because of my views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Its action is part of the routine censorship carried out on campuses against those who will not read from the Israel lobby’s script.


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Truthdiggers of the Week: Pardiss Kebriaei and the Center for Constitutional Rights

The senior attorney at the celebrated civil liberties group is pushing for the prosecution of U.S. officials who tortured detainees and terrorism suspects—an issue the Senate's report on the subject was conspicuously silent about.
AP/Wilfredo Lee

Dennis Kucinich: There Isn’t Much Difference Between the Clintons and the Bushes

The former congressman explains how three members spirited a Russia sanctions bill through the House, and why the 2016 presidential race could present a false choice.
A/V Booth

After nine years, 1,447 episodes and several well-deserved Emmy Awards, America’s favorite faux news pundit signed off one last time with a promise that “We’ll Meet Again.”

Some people are a bit peeved at the fact that protests against injustices such as the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Tamir Rice are causing traffic or getting in the way of their holiday shopping. Or worse yet, seeping into professional sports.

Who to Blame for North Korea’s Internet Collapse?

Wait—North Korea has the Internet?

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
This Public Alabama Hospital Sues the Poorest of the Poor

More than a century ago, Alabama enshrined a basic protection in the state’s constitution shielding its poorest citizens from being forced to pay debts they couldn’t afford. But a public hospital in the mostly rural southeast corner of the state has found a way around the law.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
The Duck That Roared

In the short run, President Obama has demonstrated that the term “lame duck” has its limits.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
Army Testimony Suggests Administration Tortured to Gain Justification for Iraq War (Video)

The Bush administration and the CIA tortured al-Qaida suspects because they wanted evidence that linked Saddam Hussein to 9/11 and could be used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Middle East expert Patrick Cockburn writes at The Independent.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
Kurds Inflict First Major Defeat on Islamic State, Rescue Yezidis of Sinjar

The pan-Arab London daily, Al-Hayat reports that the Iraqi Kurdistan paramilitary, the Peshmerga, have taken Mt. Sinjar from Daesh (what Arabs call Islamic State).

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
Retired NYPD Detective Criticizes Police Union President’s Antagonistic Remarks

Inflammatory remarks made by Patrick Lynch over the past many weeks of sometimes fatal tension between police officers and private citizens are grounds for dismissal from the force, retired NYPD Detective Graham Weatherspoon says.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
The War to Start All Wars

As we end another year of endless war in Washington, it might be the perfect time to reflect on the War That Started All Wars—or at least the war that started all of Washington’s post-Cold War wars: the invasion of Panama.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
Climate’s Impact on Agriculture Could Lead to Calamity

Widespread hunger and poverty are predicted unless strategies are developed to cope with the drop in crop yields climate change will cause.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
In 2008 Mumbai Attacks, Piles of Spy Data, but an Uncompleted Puzzle

Indian and British intelligence agencies monitored the online activities of a key plotter but couldn’t connect the dots.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
Tunisia: Nationalist Candidate’s Claimed Win in Presidential Poll Contested

The major political parties do fairly sophisticated exit polling in Tunisian elections now, and secular, nationalist warhorse Beji Caid Essebsi claimed a victory of some 52 or 53 percent on Sunday evening.

Posted on Dec 22, 2014 READ MORE
Hopes, Fears and Doubts About Cuba’s Oil Future

One of the most plentiful oil and gas basins on the planet sits just off Cuba’s northwest coast, but experts say low prices and better opportunities elsewhere mean a Cuban oil boon is unlikely in the near future—even if U.S. business restrictions are relaxed.

Posted on Dec 21, 2014 READ MORE
Head of Police Union Declares War on Protesters After NYPD Cops ‘Assassinated’

The suspect committed suicide after killing two officers sitting in a patrol car in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Posted on Dec 21, 2014 READ MORE
Unmasked: The CIA’s ‘Unidentified Queen of Torture’

The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald and Peter Maass have revealed the identity of a “key apologist” for the CIA’s torture program, an official whom multiple news outlets have described as responsible for “a long string of significant errors and malfeasance” that put her “competence and integrity” in doubt, even by some within the agency.

Posted on Dec 20, 2014 READ MORE
Paris’ Radical Plan to Keep the Rich From Completely Gentrifying Central Neighborhoods

The French government has announced a plan to prevent housing displacement and the creation of “ghettos for the rich” in the capital; apparently, watching “The Colbert Report” made some people more conservative; meanwhile, the principles of the 1910 Mexican Revolution are being revived by the protest movement inspired by the Ayotzinapa students’ disappearance. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Dec 20, 2014 READ MORE
‘Left, Right & Center’: The Sony Hack and Cuba

Truthdig Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer and the other “Left, Right & Center” panelists discuss Obama’s year-end news conference, during which the president said Sony should have consulted him before canceling the release of “The Interview.” Also, is it a new world for Cuba?

Posted on Dec 20, 2014 READ MORE
Loss of Rainforests Is Double Whammy Threat to Climate

New research spells out the devastating impacts that complete destruction of tropical forests would have on global temperatures, weather patterns and agriculture.

Posted on Dec 20, 2014 READ MORE
Here Are 5 Countries Where Solar Power Is Making a Revolution

Ironically, developing countries of the global south who don’t have enough electricity can leapfrog conventional power and go straight to solar and wind.

Posted on Dec 20, 2014 READ MORE
How Nonprofit Hospitals Are Seizing Patients’ Wages

One Missouri hospital has sued thousands of uninsured patients who couldn’t pay for their care, then grabbed a hefty portion of their paychecks to cover the bills. “We will be paying them off until we die,” one debtor said.

Posted on Dec 20, 2014 READ MORE
Top 7 Ways Assassination Fails the U.S. as Policy

Wikileaks has released a government assessment of drone strikes aimed at assassinating top leaders.

Posted on Dec 20, 2014 READ MORE
Eugene O’Neill: A Life in Four Acts

A new biography reclaims the playwright of “A Long Day’s Journey Into Night” as a self-conscious, committed artist who strove to break through the limits of production and consistently voice his lifelong contempt for American materialism, imperialism, racism and puritanism.

Posted on Dec 19, 2014 READ MORE

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