The White House已認證帳戶


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Washington, DC

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  1. "If we stay focused on that common purpose...we'll leave behind a city and a nation that's worthy of generations to come" —

    翻譯自 英文

  2. 已轉推

    "Making our communities more resilient is going to be increasingly important as we see more extreme weather events." —

    翻譯自 英文

  3. "New Orleans has become a model for the nation as the first city, the first major city to end veteran’s homelessness" — to New Orleans

    翻譯自 英文

  4. "Together, we’re building a New Orleans that is as entrepreneurial as any place in the country." —

    翻譯自 英文

  5. "We’re providing housing assistance to more families today than before the storm." —

    翻譯自 英文

  6. "Before the storm, college enrollment was 37%. Today, it’s almost 60%." — on New Orleans

    翻譯自 英文

  7. "Before the storm, the high school graduation rate was 54%. Today, it’s up to 73%." — on New Orleans

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  8. "We’ve delivered resources to help Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida rebuild schools & hospitals." —

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  9. "Because of you, the people of New Orleans, working together, this city is moving in the right direction." —

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  10. At 4:55pm ET, is speaking on the Gulf Coast's rebirth 10 years after Hurricane Katrina:

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  11. 已轉推

    Today is in New Orleans commemorating . Follow along with his day here →

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  12. Tune in at 4:55pm ET to watch speak in New Orleans 10 years after Hurricane Katrina:

    翻譯自 英文

  13. Congratulations to Connecticut on becoming the first state to successfully end chronic veteran homelessness:

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  14. 已轉推

    . pauses to say hello to a darling little boy in Treme

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  15. 已轉推

    New from UK's : "If US were to walk away, international unity would disintegrate"

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  16. 已轉推

    The United Kingdom's adds his perspective to the text. See it here →

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  17. 已轉推

    Amidst global volatility, Congress should protect the momentum of our growing economy (not kill it). We must avoid shutdown / austerity.

    翻譯自 英文


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