Policy Library

Policy Library
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The University of Texas System operates under several sets of rules and regulations, including the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents and the U. T. Systemwide Policies (UTS Policies), in addition to applicable state and federal laws. U. T. System Administration is also governed by Internal Policies (INT Policies).

The Regents' Rules and Regulations, found here, are the official repository of policies and procedures established for U. T. System by the Board of Regents. The U. T. Systemwide Policies and the Internal Policies are approved by the Chancellor. The procedures for implementation or changes to an existing policy are set forth in the Policy Development and Maintenance Guide, linked below.

The Office of the Board of Regents is responsible for maintaining the Regents' Rules and System Policy Library. Please contact Kristy Orr, Assistant General Counsel to the Board, at (512) 499-4409 or korr@utsystem.edu with any questions. 

Policy Development and Maintenance Guide

UTS101 Guidelines for Allocation of Utility Costs to Auxiliary Enterprises
UTS102 Drugs and Alcohol Policy
UTS103 Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)
UTS104 Procedures for Establishing and Removing Signature Authority with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
UTS105 Sexual Orientation Nondiscrimination Policy
UTS106 Copyright Notice on Loaned Library Software
UTS107 Use of Copyrighted Materials
UTS108 Affiliation Agreement Policy
UTS111 Nondisclosure of Videoconference Information
UTS112 Electronic Recording of Administrative Meetings
UTS113 Drug and Alcohol Testing for Positions Requiring Commercial Driver's Licenses
UTS114 Reporting Under Texas Tort Claims Act
UTS115 Records and Information Management
UTS116 Systemwide Insurance Advisory Committee Election Procedures
UTS117 Endowment Compliance Plan Systemwide Standards and Guidelines
UTS118 Dishonest or Fraudulent Activities
UTS119 Institutional Compliance Program
UTS120 Spousal Travel Policy
UTS121 Group Insurance Premium Remittance
UTS122 Guidelines for Web Site Solicitations
UTS123 Policy on Service on Outside Boards
UTS124 Criminal Background Checks
UTS125 Processing of Intellectual Property Agreements
UTS126 Processing of Space Lease Agreements
UTS127 Office of Employee Benefits Administrative Manual
UTS129 Internal Audit Activities
UTS130 Vending Machine Contracts
UTS131 Protection from Retaliation for Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing
UTS133 Classified Pay Plan
UTS134 Code of Ethics for Financial Officers and Employees
UTS135 Fire and Life Safety Reviews
UTS137 Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program
UTS138 Gift Acceptance Procedures
UTS139 Compliance with the Texas Public Information Act
UTS140 Enhancing Major Software Projects
UTS141 Employee Discount Programs
UTS142 Accounting Policies Overview
UTS142.1 Policy on the Annual Financial Report
UTS142.2 Policy for Accounting and Financial Reporting for Nonexchange Transactions
UTS142.3 Policy on Capital Leases vs. Operating Leases for Lessees
UTS142.4 Policy for Construction in Progress
UTS142.5 Policy for Capitalization of Interest Cost
UTS142.7 Accounting for Termination Benefits
UTS142.8 Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
UTS142.9 Accounting and Financial Reporting for Impairment of Capital Assets and Insurance Recoveries
UTS142.10 Sales and Pledges of Receivables and Future Revenues and Intra-Entity Transfers of Assets and Future Revenues
UTS142.11 Land and Other Real Estate Held as Investments by Endowments
UTS142.12 Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pollution Remediation Obligations
UTS142.13 Accounting and Financial Reporting for Intangible Assets
UTS142.14 Accounting and Financial Reporting for Service Concession Arrangements
UTS143 Procedures for Takings Impact Assessments
UTS144 Establishing Compensation for Highly Compensated Employees
UTS145 Processing of Contracts
UTS147 Processing of Sales and Leases of Real Property (UT as Seller or Landlord)
UTS148 Protest Procedures Related to Procurements of Goods and Services
UTS149 Operating Plan for Charging Rate to Fund Lump Sum Payments of Vacation and Sick Leave
UTS150 Access by Persons with Disabilities to Electronic and Information Resources Procured or Developed by The University of Texas System Administration and The University of Texas System Institutions
UTS151 Workers' Compensation Insurance and Unemployment Compensation Insurance Monthly Transfer of Funds
UTS153 Campus Mail – Use by Faculty and Staff Organizations
UTS155 Policies Regarding Clinical Enterprise Business Operations
UTS156 Purchaser Training and Certification
UTS157 Automobile Insurance Coverage for Officers and Employees and General Requirements for the Use of Vehicles
UTS159 Purchasing
UTS160 Jurisdiction of Commissioned Peace Officers
UTS161 Environmental Review for Acquisition of Real Property
UTS162 Disposal of Unclaimed Property
UTS163 Guidance on Effort Reporting and Certification Policies
UTS164 Drug-Free University Community and Workplace Policy
UTS165 Information Resources Use and Security Policy
UTS166 Cash Management and Cash Handling Policy
UTS167 Banking Services Policy
UTS168 Capital Expenditure Policy
UTS169 Sustainability Practices
UTS170 Oversight of Law Enforcement and Security for The University of Texas System
UTS171 Student Financial Aid Code of Conduct
UTS172 Emergency Management
UTS173 Export Controls
UTS174 Environmental Health and Safety
UTS175 Disclosure of Significant Financial Interests and Management and Reporting of Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research
UTS176 Institution Based Voluntary Insurance Plans
UTS177 Usage and controls of the Private Executive Video Communication Network and Devices
UTS178 Required Reporting of Significant Events
UTS180 Conflicts of Interest, Conflicts of Commitment, and Outside Activities
UTS181 Policy for Post Bond Issuance Federal Tax Compliance
UTS182 Selection, Appointment, Roles and Responsibilities, Evaluation, and Training of Department Chairs at Academic Institutions
UTS183 Maintenance of Education Records Subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
UTS184 Consensual Relationships
UTS185 Injury Leave for Peace Officers
UTS186 Student Health Insurance Requirements for International Students
UTS187 Interviews of Executive Administrators and Other Senior Administrators
INT101 Discipline/Dismissal of Employees
INT103 Workers’ Compensation Insurance Program
INT104 Employment Records
INT105 Military Leave
INT106 Personnel Identification Badge Policy
INT107 Performance Appraisals
INT109 Criminal Background Checks
INT111 Hiring, Promotion, and Transfer of Employees
INT113 Fair Labor Standards Act – Overtime
INT114 Travel Policy
INT115 Entertainment Expenses and Guidelines on Other Uses of Institutional/Gift Funds
INT116 Accommodating Disabilities in the Workplace
INT117 Beginning and Ending Employment Dates
INT119 Employment Eligibility
INT120 Employment of a Minor
INT121 Equal Employment Opportunity
INT122 Family and Medical Leave
INT123 Grievance
INT124 Information Resources Acceptable Use and Security Policy
INT125 Jury Service and Witness Service and Fees
INT126 Leave Without Pay
INT127 Nepotism
INT128 Other Leave
INT129 Outside Employment
INT130 Parental Leave
INT131 Probationary Period for Classified Employees
INT132 Reduction in Force
INT133 Service Recognition
INT134 Sexual Harassment and Misconduct
INT135 Sick Leave
INT136 Telecommuting
INT137 Time Off for Voting
INT138 Unemployment Compensation Insurance
INT139 Hazardous Duty Pay
INT140 Holidays
INT141 Longevity Pay
INT142 Sick Leave Pool
INT143 Time and Attendance
INT144 Multiple State Employment
INT145 Key Control Policy
INT147 State Compensatory Time
INT148 Vacation Leave
INT149 Tuition Assistance
INT152 Cost Transfer Policy
INT153 Time and Effort Management and Reporting Policy
INT154 Procedures for the Handling of an Allegation of Retaliation
INT157 System Administration Employee Discount Program
INT158 Cost Sharing Policy
INT159 Institutional Base Salary Policy
INT161 Approval, Development, Delivery, and Maintenance of Mandatory Online Training Courses for System Administration Employees
INT162 Identity Theft Prevention, Detection, and Mitigation Program
INT163 Return to Work After Work-Related Injury or Illness
INT164 Review of Information for Public Distribution
INT165 Breach Notification Policy
INT166 System Administration HIPAA Privacy Policy Manual
INT167 Wellness Leave
INT180 Conflicts of Interest, Conflicts of Commitment, and Outside Activities
INT181 Smoke and Tobacco Free Workplace
INT183 Confidentiality and Security of Education Records Subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
http://www.UTSystem.edu © 2016 The University of Texas System.
601 Colorado Street, Austin, Texas 78701-2982. (512)499-4200