Regents' Rules and Regulations

Regents' Rules and Regulations
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The Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System are listed below.  A complete copy of the Regents' Rules and Regulations is available.

For assistance in locating the placement of a particular subject in the Rules, please contact
Carol Felkel, Secretary to the Board, at (512) 499-4407, ; or
Kristy Orr, Assistant General Counsel to the Board, at (512) 499-4409, .

The official copy of the Regents' Rules and Regulations is maintained by the Office of the Board of Regents. The official citation of the Regents’ Rules is as follows: Regents' Rules and Regulations . Do not underline. Italicize "Rules and Regulations" only. Always capitalize the R in Regents. When referencing a single Rule, do not italicize "Rule."

Please send comments and suggestions to .  

10000: Board Governance
Rule 10100 Rule on Rules and Regulations
Rule 10101 Board Authority and Duties
Rule 10102 Chairman and Vice Chairmen
Rule 10201 General Counsel to the Board of Regents
Rule 10401 Policies and Procedures for Board and Standing Committee Meetings
Rule 10402 Committees and Other Appointments
Rule 10403 Board Meeting Accessibility and Public Participation
Rule 10501 Delegation to Act on Behalf of the Board
Rule 10601 Guidelines for the Santa Rita Award
Rule 10701 Policy Against Discrimination
Rule 10801 Policy on Transparency, Accountability, and Access to Information
Rule 10901 Statement of U. T. System Values and Expectations
20000: Administration
Rule 20101 Chancellor
Rule 20102 Appointment of Institutional Administrative Officers
Rule 20201 Presidents
Rule 20202 Cash Compensation for Chief Administrative Officers
Rule 20203 Compensation for Key Executives
Rule 20204 Determining and Documenting the Reasonableness of Compensation
Rule 20205 Expenditures for Travel and Entertainment by Chief Administrators and for the Maintenance of University Residences
Rule 20206 Intercollegiate Athletics
Rule 20301 Honorary Titles and Degrees
Rule 20401 Audit and Compliance Programs
Rule 20402 Provision of Audit and Non-Audit Services by External Audit Firms
Rule 20501 Accounting, Operating Budgets, and Legislative Appropriation Requests
Rule 20601 Aircraft Use
Rule 20701 Use of Historically Underutilized Businesses
Rule 20801 Travel
Rule 20901 Procurement of Goods and Services; Contract Management Handbook
30000: Personnel
Rule 30101 Classified Personnel Pay Plan
Rule 30102 General Appointment Information
Rule 30103 Standards of Conduct
Rule 30104 Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment, and Outside Activities
Rule 30105 Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Consensual Relationships
Rule 30106 Nepotism
Rule 30107 Veteran’s Employment Preferences
Rule 30108 Employment Preferences for Former Foster Children
Rule 30112 Training and Education
Rule 30201 Leave Policies
Rule 30202 Employee Benefits
Rule 30203 Sick Leave Pool
Rule 30301 Employment of Retirees
Rule 30401 Employee and Faculty Advisory Councils
Rule 30501 Employee Evaluations
Rule 30601 Discipline and Dismissal of Classified Employees
Rule 30602 Employee Grievance
Rule 31001 Faculty Appointments and Titles
Rule 31002 Notice of Nonrenewal to Nontenured Faculty Members
Rule 31003 Abandonment of Academic Positions or Programs
Rule 31004 Rights and Responsibilities of Faculty Members
Rule 31005 Faculty or Staff Absence
Rule 31006 Academic Workload Requirements
Rule 31007 Tenure
Rule 31008 Termination of a Faculty Member
Rule 31101 Evaluation of Administrators
Rule 31102 Evaluation of Tenured Faculty
40000: Academic Issues
Rule 40101 Faculty Role in Educational Policy Formulation
Rule 40201 Registered Organizations
Rule 40301 General Admission Policy
Rule 40302 Provisional Admission Policy
Rule 40303 Admissions Procedures for U. T. System Institutions
Rule 40304 Affirmative Action Plans
Rule 40305 Coordinated Admission Program
Rule 40306 Summer Enrollment Plan
Rule 40307 Academic Program Approval Standards
Rule 40309 Administration of Courses Offered in Shortened Format
Rule 40310 Accessibility of Teacher Certification Courses
Rule 40311 Graduate Education
Rule 40401 Assessment, Collection, Delegation, and Waiver of Tuition and Fees
Rule 40402 Emergency Student Loan Program for Tuition and Fees
Rule 40403 Fees for Continuing Education Courses
Rule 40404 Tuition Rates for Students Residing in Certain Counties and States and Attending Certain Institutions
Rule 40405 Tuition Rates for Undergraduate Students with Excessive Semester Credit Hours
Rule 40406 Administration of Scholarships
Rule 40407 Texas Public Education Grants/Loan Program
Rule 40501 Speech and Assembly
Rule 40502 Negotiations Related to Disruptive Activities Prohibited
Rule 40601 Institutions Comprising The University of Texas System
Rule 40602 Organized Research Units
Rule 40701 Medical and Hospital Services
Rule 40703 Health Care Risk Management
Rule 40801 Official Seal, Colors, Logo, and Mascot
Rule 40901 Charter Schools
Rule 40902 Guidelines for Cooperative Use of Courses and Facilities with Texas A&M University
50000: Student Issues
Rule 50101 Student Conduct and Discipline
Rule 50201 Student Advisory Council
Rule 50202 Student Organizations
Rule 50203 Participation in Student Government
Rule 50301 Off-Campus Student Housing
Rule 50302 Student Participation in Selection and Monitoring of Food Service Contractors
Rule 50303 Debts of Students
Rule 50304 Student Debit Cards
Rule 50305 Employment of a Student’s Attorney
Rule 50402 Student Health Insurance Requirements
Rule 50501 Liability Insurance for Students
Rule 50601 Student Travel
Rule 50701 Visiting U. T. System Students Program
Rule 50702 Confidentiality and Security of Education Records Subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Rule 50801 Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
60000: Development
Rule 60101 Acceptance and Administration of Gifts
Rule 60102 Fees for Endowment Administration and Management
Rule 60103 Guidelines for Acceptance of Gifts of Real Property
Rule 60201 Administration of Fellowships, Scholarships, and Loan Funds
Rule 60202 Endowed Academic Positions
Rule 60301 Development Board of an Institution
Rule 60302 Advisory Councils of an Institution
Rule 60303 Internal Nonprofit Corporations
Rule 60304 External Nonprofit Corporations
Rule 60305 University-Affiliated Foundations
Rule 60306 Use of University Resources
70000: Investments
Rule 70101 Authority to Accept and Manage Assets
Rule 70201 Investment Policies
Rule 70202 Interest Rate Swap Policy
Rule 70301 Matters Relating to Real Property
Rule 70401 Oversight Responsibilities for UTIMCO
80000: Facilities
Rule 80101 Category of Facilities and Authorized Users
Rule 80102 Alcoholic Beverages
Rule 80103 Solicitation
Rule 80104 Use of Facilities
Rule 80105 Joint Sponsorship of the Use of Property or Buildings
Rule 80106 Special Use Facilities
Rule 80107 Filming Motion Pictures or Television Productions
Rule 80108 Use of Facilities for Weddings
Rule 80109 Parking and Traffic Regulations
Rule 80110 Protection of Artificial Bodies of Water and Other Property
Rule 80111 Smoke Free or Tobacco Free Policies
Rule 80112 Residential Conference Centers
Rule 80201 Disposal of U. T. System Property
Rule 80301 Capital Improvement Program
Rule 80302 Building Committees
Rule 80303 Use of the Available University Fund
Rule 80305 Debt Policy
Rule 80307 Naming Policy
Rule 80308 Inscriptions on Building Plaques
Rule 80401 Prevailing Wage Rates
Rule 80402 Major Construction and Repair and Rehabilitation Projects
Rule 80403 Minor Construction and Repair and Rehabilitation Projects
Rule 80404 Institutional Management of Major Construction and Repair and Rehabilitation Projects
Rule 80601 Property and Casualty Insurance and Surety Bonds
Rule 80702 Indirect Cost Recoveries
Rule 80801 Flags
Rule 80901 Constitutional and Legislative Restrictions on Capital Improvements
90000: Intellectual Property
Rule 90101 Intellectual Property: Preamble, Scope, Authority © 2016 The University of Texas System.
601 Colorado Street, Austin, Texas 78701-2982. (512)499-4200