Council on Environmental Quality: Open Government

The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) coordinates Federal environmental efforts and works closely with agencies and other White House offices in the development of environmental policies and initiatives.  The Council's Chair serves as the principal environmental policy adviser to the President. CEQ was established within the Executive Office of the President by Congress as part of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA)  National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and additional responsibilities were provided by the Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1970.

CEQ continues to demonstrate its commitment to the three cornerstones of open government in carrying out its mission: transparency, participation, and collaboration.  Through interagency working groups and coordination with other EOP components, CEQ works to advance the President’s environment, natural resources and energy priorities.  CEQ promotes transparency by emphasizing public involvement in policy development and by encouraging federal agency coordination with state, local and tribal governments and other stakeholders.    In furtherance of its commitment to open government, CEQ has created an online reading room at where it will post and regularly update agency reports, publications, and documents frequently requested under FOIA.  The site also contains historical materials such as the legislative history of NEPA and CEQ’s past annual reports on NEPA compliance.

Share Your Ideas

CEQ welcomes your suggestions for expanding public outreach and for improving transparency.  Let us know what environment, energy, and natural resource topics are of particular interest to you and what information you would like CEQ to publish online.   Please email your comments and questions to CEQ at

NEPA Reports to Congress

In accordance with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) submits a quarterly report to Congress regarding the status and progress of projects and activities receiving funds under the Act and how they have complied thus far with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements.  Read the full reports below.

Evaluating Our Progress

The Open Government Dashboard tracks agency progress on the milestones set out in the Directive.  Learn more about our Dashboard scores,  the steps we have taken, and how we are evaluating our progress towards achieving the goals of participation, collaboration, and transparency.  CEQ has also completed a self-evaluation of our open government plan against the criteria laid out in the Directive. 

Open Government Plan

The White House Council on Environmental Quality coordinates Federal environmental efforts, and the CEQ Chair serves as the principal environmental policy adviser to the President.  CEQ’s Open Government Plan integrates the principles of open government through its interagency leadership role, with a focus on NEPA Modernization and Climate Change Resilience as CEQ’s “flagship initiatives.”  For additional information, please see CEQ’s 2010 Open Government Plan.

Read the 2014 Open Government Plan






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