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  1. 1

    Tracer Fire Tutorial - After Effects

    by pwnisher 42,019 views

    A tutorial written for aetuts.com. It wil otheir website in abuttwo weeks. But you guys get it early! You could also do this effect in Windows Movie Maker or iMovie. If you would really like to know how then send me a message. This is the first in my tutorial series and there are MANY to come!

  2. 2

    Jet Flyby Tutorial - After Effects + 3D program

    by pwnisher 125,618 views

    In this tutorial you will learn how to make jets/helicopter/UFO's, etc. fly through your live action scene using mainly After Effects and a little help from a 3D program. If you don't have a 3D program, try downloading blender. It's free and there are lots of tutorials for it.

  3. 3

    Advanced Muzzle Flash Tutorial - After Effects

    by pwnisher 95,488 views

    My thought son how to create a realistic muzzle flash in after effects. Things to keep in mind ...

    - Muzzle flashes rarley happen
    - the flash itself is a tad whiter at day, orangish by night!
    - motion blur = key to succes
    - set smoke to "add"

  4. 4

    Ugly Man Tutorial (Motion Tracking with After Effects)

    by pwnisher 53,372 views

    The Ugliest Man In The World Tutorial!

  5. 5

    Motion Tracking Tutorial (After Effects and Photoshop)

    by pwnisher 36,685 views

    Here I describe how I did the Funny Interactive Road Signs Video. Sorry if i'm stuttery and if the video is long. =[

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