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  1. 1

    Maldives Islands - Six Senses Laamu - Canon 5D Mark II

    by devinsupertramp 655,576 views


    My friend Stephen Anderson wrote the score specifically for this video! You can download it in the link above!

    You can download the song off iTunes from the video in the link below!
    Make sure to check out his website in the link below!


    Produced by Noah Hamilton
    My friend Noah Hamilton, who was one of the producers for the feature film "Soul Surfer" contacted me to go with him, his sister Bethany Hamilton, and there brother to the Maldives Islands.

    You can check out Bethany's facebook fanpage in the link below. She is AWESOME!


    The Maldives are a chain of Atoll islands right below India. We stayed at several different islands while we were there, but the main one was at Six Senses Laamu. All the "resort" shots were filmed at that location.

    Here is a link to their website!! We had an awesome experience there.

    I filmed all the other shots of the locals on one of the nearby islands. The people were awesome wherever we went, some of the nicest people I have ever met!

    In a couple weeks I will be releasing a youtube video on Bethany Hamiton (Soul Surfer), that we shot in the Maldives islands. When Bethany was younger she was attacked by a shark, loosing one of her arms, but she stayed persistent with her passion for surfing, and she is a professional surfer even to this day. The youtube video I filmed while I was down there will showcase that. That will be released the end of January.

    Film was made by Devin Graham

    My friend Ben Brooksby color corrected this video. He does it professionally. You can contact him here.

    I'm on facebook now!! :) https://www.facebook.com/devinsupertrampyoutube
    And don't forget to add my Twitter! :) http://www.twitter.com/devinsupertramp

    As far as the filming of this video goes, here is all the technical info!

    Shot on a Canon 5D Mark II
    Canon 16-35mm F/2.8 L
    Canon 70-200mm F/2.8 L
    Canon 8-15mm F/4

    As far as making the camera look like it was "flying", I used a glidecam 2000 HD for all those shots. You can check out the exact model on their official website below where you can also buy them, and I don't get paid to say that :)


    I also go over a lot of camera questions I get asked in my blog right below in case you have more questions :)


    For business enquires ONLY, contact me here: devinsupertramp@gmail.com

  2. 2

    Kualoa Adventure - Oahu Hawaii - Glidecam HD 4000

    by devinsupertramp 524,126 views

    We filmed all this at Kualoa Hawaii. http://www.kualoa.com/

    Stephen Anderson wrote the score specifically for this video. You can download the song on iTunes in the link below :)


    I'm on facebook and twitter FINALLY! :)

    Going back to the location where we filmed this, it is actually my favorite place in all of Oahu Hawaii. Without question the most scenic. It's also the main location in Oahu where Hollywood movies are filmed. Such movies as Jurassic Park, 50 First Dates, Godzilla, Wind talkers, Pearl Harbor Mighty Joe Young and even a great deal of the TV show LOST was filmed here.

    It' also a huge tourist attraction where, as you can see, you can horseback ride, sail boat, 4 wheel, movie bus tours, jungle expedition, boat cruise, dinner, the list goes on :) It really is honestly the most photogenic place in all of Oahu. And by the way, I'm not paid to say that :) I actually did this video for free, there was no money involved. And I did it just because I love the location.

    The staff at Kualoa ranch were super awesome/helpful to work with when filming this, super accommodating, and they helped with what we needed to get the shots we wanted. I would for sure reccomend this place to ANY PHOTOGRAPHER, or anyone who wants an escape from the everyday world! I really think this place is one of Hawaii's best kept secrets. It also has a super rich history, which you can also find out more about that on there website as well.


    Super thanks to my friends who came with me to help film this video, Nate Smith, Clark Cahoon, and Jace LeRoy. And Spencer Turley who got me into contact with Kualoa originally.

    On a technical level:

    It was all filmed on a Canon 5D Mark II.
    All at 24 fps, with two different Canon Lenses.
    Canon 16-35mm F/2.8 L series lens
    Canon 70-200mm F/2.8 L series lens

    It took 5 days of filming to make this video happen. Filming 4 days of landscape stuff, just at sunrise and sunset. And then one FULL day of filming all the other people in it.

    I organized it all for the day we shot all the people, and I got 65 of my friends/people in the community to come and help be a part of the video, it was a blast, but we were all dead tired afterwards.

    As far as making the camera look like it was "flying", I used a glidecam 4000 HD for all those shots. You can check out the exact model on there official website below where you can also buy them, and I don't get paid to say that :)


    I also go over a lot of camera questions I get asked in my blog right below in case you have more questions :)


    For BUSINESS ENQUIRERS ONLY, you can contact me at this email.


  3. 3

    Tahiti - Ocean Voyage - Canon 5D Mark II - Glidecam HD 4000

    by devinsupertramp 617,485 views

    Stephen Anderson wrote the score specifically for this video. You can download the song on iTunes in the link below.

    You can also contact him here.

    Film made by Devin Graham

    I originally went to Tahiti to film a documentary that I am making that you can watch the movie trailer for it in the link right below.

    This entire film was filmed on the island of Tahiti and Moorea over a 15 day period. I stayed with several amazing families.

    One of the people we stayed with was a man named Heifara. He runs an awesome boat tour where we went out everyday swimming with the shark, stingray, and everything else the ocean has to offer. You can check out his website for his boat tours on the island of Moorea here below.

    The other two familes we stayed with were Tautu family and a man by the name of Mauna Bennett.
    NEVER in my life have I met such kind people ready to accommodate you in any way possible. I will blog about the experience in the next week, and you'll be able to read about it in the link below.


    On a technical side, this was all all shot on the Canon 5D Mark II. Most of the shots were done with the Canon 16-35mm 2.8 L Series lens.

    The smooth shots were done with a Glidecam HD-4000. You can check out the exact model on their official website here where you can also buy them. I've been shooting with there glidecams for the last 5 years, and love them. They do take a little bit of a learning curve, but once you get past that, it's all smooth!


    Also, here's a link to some of the photography I did as well while I was filming. I did this just on the side, just because I was already at the location, but my main focus was capturing it on video. Second was photographing it.


    For BUSINESS ENQUIRERS ONLY, you can contact me at this email.


  4. 4

    Ocean Symphony

    by devinsupertramp 162,127 views

    You can download the song off itunes here.
    The music for this video was composed by Elton Luz.
    You can contact him at this link.
    The vocals were recorded specifically for this song, and they were done by Phoenix Luz Costa

    As far as the technical details go on the making of this video, I have them right below....

    The entire film was shot on a Canon 5D Mark II.

    The only lens used was a Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L series lens. I used that, an an extender, which double magnifies the 70-200, and makes it go up to 400mm for the super close shots. The magnifier I used was a Canon Extender EF 2x III.

    I shot the entire film at 24fps. I filmed it over the coarse of one full day, and one half day, back to back. I filmed it on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, all on the North Shore, at Sharks Cove the first day, and Waimea the second day. I filmed the footage January 21'st and 22nd. It was some of the biggest waves to hit Hawaii that year.

    With the Canon 5D Mark II, since it does pictures as well, I've uploaded some of those I took while there. My primary focus was to film waves, and I took these just because I was already set up, check the link below for that.


    For more information on the making these youtube videos, questions, and film making stuff, check out my blog below.


    For BUSINESS ENQUIRERS ONLY, you can contact me at this email.


  5. 5

    Kauai - The Lost World - Canon 5D Mark II - Glidecam HD 4000

    by devinsupertramp 1,227,293 views

    I'm on facebook and twitter now! :)

    Stephen Anderson wrote the score specifically for this piece. You can download the song on iTunes in the link below.

    You can also contact him here.

    Film made by Devin Graham.

    This entire film was filmed on the island of Kauai over a 9 day period. The first 3 days were spent hiking the Napali coast, a 11 mile hike along the coast. We did this for 3 days. After this we spent 2 more days exploring the island. I did this with 8 other friends. After the 5 days were up with them, they all flew back to Oahu where everyone was living, and I stayed on the island on my own for 4 more days.

    I had a rental truck, that's how I got around. I didn't want to spend money on hotels though, so I slept in the truck, in a Walmart parking lot for the other 4 nights. A lot of cars get broken in on the island of Kauai, according to rumors, so that's why I would camp in the parking lots, so I was a lot more exposed if someone tried to break in where I was sleeping :) That way i wouldn't get robbed, raped, or murdered, ha.

    At night when I got done filming, I would go into the only Walmart on the island, where they also have a McDonald's, and I would bum off there wi-fi with my ipod touch, and plot my path for the next day, then I would head out before the break of dawn every morning, and I would get back after sunset to do it all over again.

    On a technical side, this was all all shot on the Canon 5D Mark II. Most of the shots were done with the Canon 16-35mm 2.8 L Series lens.

    The smooth shots were done with a Glidecam HD-4000. You can check out the exact model on their official website here where you can also buy them. I've been shooting with there glidecams for the last 5 years, and love them. They do take a little bit of a learning curve, but once you get past that, it's all smooth!


    Also, here's a link to some of the photography I did as well while I was filming. I did this just on the side, just because I was already at the location, but my main focus was capturing it on video. Second was photographing it.


    I've had around 30 emails within the first 12 hours of releasing this video, all with common questions, my response to them all was to big to put in here, so I posted it on my blog. For any other technical info, check out my blog below, and any other questions, feel free to ask there.


    For BUSINESS ENQUIRERS ONLY, you can contact me at this email.


  6. 6

    Washington - Enchantments - Canon 5D Mark II - Glidecam HD 4000

    by devinsupertramp 452,179 views

    Film by Devin Graham.

    Stephen Anderson wrote the score for this piece. You can contact him here.

    You can download this song(full version) for .99 cents off of his itunes as well, here's the link, support your youtube artist :)

    Also, thanks for subscribing to my youtube channel :)

    This hike is in Washington, in a place called Enchantments. It's about a 25 mile hike from start to finish. To get all the shots I did, we hiked in about 50 pound packs each, with my tripod, camera lenses, and glidecam.

    To even camp on the trail you have to have a permit, and the waiting list is HUGE. It took my dad 4 years to finally win the lottery that allowed us to do the hike.

    On a technical side, this was all shot on the Canon 5D Mark II. Most of the shots were done with the Canon 16-35mm 2.8 L Series. and a Nikon 70-200 2.8 with Canon/Nikon lens adapter.

    The smooth shots were done with a Glidecam HD-4000. You can check out the exact model on their official website here where you can also buy them. I've been shooting with there glidecams for the last 5 years, and love them. They do take a little bit of a learning curve, but once you get past that, it's all smooth!


    For BUSINESS ENQUIRERS ONLY, you can contact me at this email.


  7. 7

    Vancouver Island- Inception - Canon 5D Mark II - Glidecam HD 2000

    by devinsupertramp 491,627 views

    I had another version of this up(the only difference with this one is this is a new soundtrack my friend composed specifically for this. In order to be a partner with youtube, you must have the rights to all the music, so this was our attempt at that.

    My friend Stephen composed the music for this, it's an original piece specifically for this. You can contact him here.

    Stephen Anderson.

    As for me..
    I'm a freelance cinematographer. For any potential job offers, feel free to contact me through my youtube page, or through my email at dpdevin@gmail.com

    Here's some footage I shot with my Canon 5D Mark II while in Canada with my family last week.

    We spent 10 days on Vancouver. Most of that time was spent in one of my favorite places, Barkley Sound. It's an area with 150 islands in a 5 mile radius. We canoed from one island to the next, camping on them.

    On a technical side, it was all shot on the Canon 5D Mark II. Most of the shots were done with the Canon 16-35mm 2.8 L Series. A Nikon 50mm 1.8 adapter, and a Nikon 70-200 2.8 with Canon/Nikon lens adapter.

    The smooth shots were done with a glidecam 2000. You can check out the exact model on their official website here where you can also buy them.


    I had my tripod as well, with several shots handheld, with a "smooth cam" filter applied to it with Final Cut pro.

    For BUSINESS ENQUIRERS ONLY, you can contact me at this email.


  8. 8

    Ice Castles

    by devinsupertramp 718,187 views


    Make sure to check out the link above for more info on where we filmed this!!! This place is located in Silverthorne Colorado, and it's one of a kind. And it's opened to everyone!

    My friend Elton Luz composed the music just for this video.


    Music by Elton Luz.
    You can contact him at his website down below!


    Lindsey Stirling and I went down to film two videos at this location, this one, and then the main one we filmed will be released on her youtube channel next week, February 16th. She made a awesome violin dubstep song that we shot a music video for at this location! So make sure to check out Lindsey's channel!

    The second song that plays at the end of this video is actually a rough version of Lindsey's dubstep song that will be premiering next week! Check out Lindsey's channel in the meantime!


    Film by Devin Graham
    Also make sure to follow me on twitter and facebook, it's the cool thing to do these days :)

    As far as the filming of this video goes, I shot it all on a Canon 5D Mark II.

    As far as making the camera look like it was "flying", I used a glidecam 2000 HD for all those shots. You can check out the exact model on their official website below where you can also buy them, and I don't get paid to say that :)


    Also, make sure to check out my second channel where I will be releasing the making of all the videos on my main channel!

    I also go over a lot of camera questions I get asked in my blog right below in case you have more questions :)


    For business enquires ONLY, contact me here: devinsupertramp@gmail.com

  9. 9

    Fields of Africa - Canon 5D Mark II - Glidecam 4000

    by devinsupertramp 267,054 views

    I'm on facebook and twitter now! :)

    Music was done for this piece by Stephen Anderson.
    You can contact him at his website below.

    Project was done by Devin Graham.

    Project was shot on a Canon 5D Mark II. With one lens, the L series 16-35mm. 2.8/F

    As far as making the shots so steady, I used a glidecam 4000 HD for all the smooth shots. You can check out the exact model on there official website below where you can also buy them.


  10. 10

    Soccer Girl - Canon 5D Mark II - Glidecam HD 4000

    by devinsupertramp 848,795 views

    Stephen Anderson wrote the score. You can download the song on iTunes in the link below.

    The song from this video is called "Nearer", it's from a old hymn that Stephen did his own rendition of.
    You can also contact him here.


    Film made by Devin Graham.
    I'm on facebook and twitter now! :)

    My friend Carolyn was the soccer play in the film. She's also the head soccer coach at BYU Hawaii.

    We did all the filming on the island of Oahu, in Hawaii.

    On a technical side, it was all shot on the Canon 5D Mark II, and for two special shots we did those with the GoPro HD.

    I wanted to try and give people the "perspective" of the soccer ball, so what we did was we duck taped a GoPro HD camera to the soccer ball. I then hid behind a tree so I wasn't in the shot, and then Carolyn, the soccer girl in the video kicked the ball up as high as she could, that's how we got that shot.

    As far as lenses go, the only lens I used was a Canon 16-35mm 2.8 L Series lens.

    For the underwater shots with the ocean, I used a SPL housing specifically made for a Canon 5D Mark II.

    I usually film all my movies at 24fps, however with this one, I wanted to try something new/experiment with. So I filmed all the shots with Carolyn at 30fps. I then conformed them with cinematools to 24fps. By doing this it slowed down the clips just a little bit, so they are barely played in slowmotion. It gives it a slight "dream effect" because of this.

    With the GoPro camera, I filmed those two shots at 60fps, conformed to 24fps. After that, I then put it into a program called "Timewarp". It comes with After Effects, I then slowed the first GoPro clip down to 120fps.

    The shots were the camera looks like it's "flying" were all done with a Glidecam HD-4000. You can check out the exact model on their official website here where you can also buy them. I've been shooting with there glidecams for the last 5 years, and love them. They do take a little bit of a learning curve, but once you get past that, it's all smooth!


    I also answer a lot of other technical camera questions that I get in my blog, you can check that out below.


    Also, thanks in advance for subscribing in the link below :) I put up new videos every other Tuesday.

    For BUSINESS ENQUIRERS ONLY, you can contact me at this email.


  11. 11

    Epic Violin Girl - Lindsey Stirling

    by devinsupertramp 5,980,037 views

    Film made by Devin Graham.
    Make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel for new vids every week :)
    You can also "like" my facebook youtube page as well for constant updates on all my current projects :)

    Also follow me on Twitter, it's what all the kids are doing these days :)

    Download Lindsey Stirling's music off iTunes in the link below :)

    You can also check out Lindsey's own personal youtube channel in this link below.

    Lindsey was actually a finalist last year (2010) on America's Got Talent, for her brand new approach to playing violin to hip hop music.. She is an awesome muscian, performer, and friend.

    You can also check out here facebook fan page in the link below.

    Lindsey and I filmed this video last week in Provo Utah. We filmed it over a coarse of two days. We filmed during two mornings/sunrises, and one evening right after the sun had set.

    As far as the technical details go. We filmed it on a Canon 5D Mark II. To get the smooth shots where it looks like we are "flying", I used a Glidecam HD 4000. Here is a link below to there website if your interested in buying one of those :)

    On more behind the scenes of the making of this video, check out the blog post I did on it right below.


    For BUSINESS ENQUIRERS ONLY, you can contact me at this email.


  12. 12

    Children of Africa

    by devinsupertramp 797,774 views

    Make sure to check out the link above of my friends who flew me out to Africa! I'll be releasing several videos in the next couple of months from our adventures!

    VenTribe is a sweet new way of shopping online with your family and friends, and there website is just now getting launched!!!

    My friend Stephen Anderson wrote the score specifically for this video! You can download it on iTunes in the link below!


    Make sure to check out Stephen's website in the link below!


    And a super huge THANK YOU to the amazing singers featured in the music, Jennifer Rasmussen(the soloist), Rabecca Lord, and Shaun Cannon.
    Shaun is an amazing singer songwriter who you should all check out and follow:

    Ventribe flew Lindsey Stirling (http://www.youtube.com/lindseystomp) and I out to Africa.
    We made several videos out there! This is just the first of several. The main one I did with Ventribe will be released on May 2nd! So make sure to check it out!

    And for those asking, this was filmed in Kenya. On a Canon 5D Mark II. With a Canon 16-35mm F/2.8 L series lens.

    And last but not least, make sure to follow me on twitter and facebook, it's the cool thing to do these days :)

    For business enquires ONLY, contact me here: devinsupertramp@gmail.com

  13. 13

    Children of Africa

    by devinsupertramp 797,774 views

    Make sure to check out the link above of my friends who flew me out to Africa! I'll be releasing several videos in the next couple of months from our adventures!

    VenTribe is a sweet new way of shopping online with your family and friends, and there website is just now getting launched!!!

    My friend Stephen Anderson wrote the score specifically for this video! You can download it on iTunes in the link below!


    Make sure to check out Stephen's website in the link below!


    And a super huge THANK YOU to the amazing singers featured in the music, Jennifer Rasmussen(the soloist), Rabecca Lord, and Shaun Cannon.
    Shaun is an amazing singer songwriter who you should all check out and follow:

    Ventribe flew Lindsey Stirling (http://www.youtube.com/lindseystomp) and I out to Africa.
    We made several videos out there! This is just the first of several. The main one I did with Ventribe will be released on May 2nd! So make sure to check it out!

    And for those asking, this was filmed in Kenya. On a Canon 5D Mark II. With a Canon 16-35mm F/2.8 L series lens.

    And last but not least, make sure to follow me on twitter and facebook, it's the cool thing to do these days :)

    For business enquires ONLY, contact me here: devinsupertramp@gmail.com

  14. 14

    Africa - Into The Wild - VenTribe

    by devinsupertramp 755,331 views

    My friends at VenTribe.com gave Lindsey and I the opportunity to go to Kenya to film this. The video wouldn't have been possible without them.
    VenTribe brings facebook friends together to chip in together and buy better gifts for each other.

    Music by Stephen Anderson
    Download the song on iTunes in the link below!

    Edited by Lindsey Stirling.
    She has an AWESOME youtube channel as well that you should check outl!

    Check out my behind the scenes video I made on our adventure on my second channel!

    For business enquires ONLY, contact me here: devinsupertramp@gmail.com


These are the local companies from Kenya that helped make this video possible.

    Atua-Enkop Limited -- Authentically African - Exclusive luxury tented camps


    Swahili Beach -- Five star beach resort -- Diani, Kenya


Ibis Tours and Travel -- A personalized boutique travel agency specializing in travel through Africa


    Get Blown Kite Surfing School -- Kite surfing school and overland kitesurfing multi spot surfari tour operator along the Kenyan coastline.
    For more information or booking enquiries, contact Jamie: +254 718765197

    SafariLink -- Kenya's premier safari airline


    Baloon Safaris
    Reservations made by e-mail or telephone:
    E-mail Address: info@balloonsafaris.co.ke
    Telephone Number: (+254) 20 6005003

  15. 15

    Alaska - Uncharted Waters - Canon 5D Mark III

    by devinsupertramp 666,243 views


    Special thanks to my friends at North Fork Outdoors for helping make this video happen! They provided all the awesome boats you saw in the video, tour guides, fishing equipment, and even a ticket to Alaska!!!

    You can check out all their boats in the link up above, and you can contact them by phone with this number down below.
    Contact North Fork OutDoors 801-392-5404

    My friend Stephen Anderson wrote the music for this video! He does a ton of my vids, and his stuff is amazing!!!

    We filmed this video in Alaska in areas that have never been rafted before!!! It was awesome!!! :) We filmed this video from July 5-16, 2012. We took several boat airplanes to super remote places. We would land in the lakes, then for some of the rivers we explored, we would have to hike 700 pounds of food, equipment etc up the tundra to reach those rivers. Bruce Hoskisson, our tour guide, and now a dear friend of mine, he had it all planned out, and on record he was the only one that had ever descended down some of the rivers we had explored.

    As far as all the fish, we caught a ton, and surprisingly we decided not to keep any of them, we were there for the sport and adventure of it all.

    As far as the boats that we used, they were perfect for white river rafting, and fishing at the same time, because at any time you could stick your legs down to slow you down, and be able to fish right on the river.

    On top of all the fishing, we saw at least 50 grizzly bears.... and yes, it was scary at first, but then after awhile I knew we were safe... as safe as you could be around Grizzly Bears ;) We had bear spray, and electric fences to stick around our camps at night to make sure we would stay safe.

    I upload new videos each week, so make sure to subscribe to this channel! :)

    And last but not least, make sure to follow me on twitter and facebook, it's the cool thing to do these days :)

    For business enquires ONLY, contact me here: devinsupertramp@gmail.com

  16. 16

    Fighting for your passion - Inside Look at what I do for a living

    by devingraham 551,439 views

    New videos EVERY week on my main youtube channel!

    I made this video in response of 1000 of emails I get from people asking me to tell my story of what I do. This is only the first of many videos I will do covering my story of how I got where I am, why I do it, and what drives me. My goal with any of these videos is to inspire and remind people that if you love something do it, pursue your dreams, don't wait until it's all over, no regrets, seize the day.

    Music in this video was done by my friend Stephen Anderson. It's from music he composed specifically for my Tahiti and Washington videos which I'll post links to down below.
    Here's links to download the songs on iTunes.

    The original cliff diving video I did with my friends at Proof sunglasses.
    Use the promo code "devinsupertramp" on their website for 15% off everything :)

    Make sure to follow me on instagram, facebook, and twitter, it's the cool thing to do these days :)
    It's also where I let people know how to be involved in my videos.

    For business enquires ONLY, contact me here: devinsupertramp@gmail.com

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