  • Comments • 93,981

    Anikanilla James
    Thank you so much Ellen for standing up for Orlando. I loved your interview with Tony! :D
    RaeRae C
    ikr pray for those lost souls and the people who lost their lives
    Can someone tell me why in every video the comments are disabled?
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    Ellen is part of the media blackout now, (she wants to keep using the men's bathroom)
    dan k
    You couldn't have said it any better.
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    Cool, you disabled comments on the "Hillary gets candid" video. That title is comedy gold.
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    Hillary should be held for treason for her "candid" speech she was paid to give in Canada, where she divulged classified information regarding the tracking down of Osama Bin Laden.  I recall that the actual man who shot him was slut-shamed like he was Monica Lewinski by her for writing a book about it and she gave out more detail.
    This IS  the "gold standard"
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    I love your show, but HATE your bias views. Typical liberal elites.
    dan k
    What the heck Ellen? What a dyke, sincerely yours, a gay dude who used to support you.
    TFE niname
    There is very big Hollywood Movie News  about Jesse-Jane McParland (the Martial Arts Kid) how was in the show. The news is writen at the description of a bew upload on my channel, or search      -    HOLLYWOOD MOVIE NEWS with Martial Arts Expert JJ Golden Dragon Jesse-Jane McParland
    TFE niname
    At this video is Jesse-Jane telling bout the Ellen Show   -    Kickbox Gala - Jesse-Jane McParland "JJ Golden Dragon" Interview
    Frank Face
    The pulse shooting was a complete fraud and now your intimately involved Ellen, people won't forget.
    M. Strain Jr.
    When you disable the comments, you're basically giving your viewers the cold shoulder while trying to hide their opinions. Of course you don't care. You're all making your money, so who gives a damn about us?
    Eric Thompson
    Pulse survivors ... B. S. !!! Four, five, six bullets these morons claim to have taken from a military grade weapon, and they are laughing, smiling, giving interviews in 24 - 48 hrs. Give me a break. Complete B.S.
    YooYo TV
    love ur show!
    Jåden Yuki
    Get Gavin (Twitter meme boy) on your show!!! https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/755140798908403713/AG_jKM0f.jpg
    lI Il
    "We can't take bribes, I work for the government" Oh hello there Hillary, didn't see you there. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Donald Trump destroyed Clinton in the second debate. U mad?
    Jordan D'Souza
    No facts, no evidence.. Everything from news outlets to polls from the second debate says Hillary won. To be fair, I thought he had an edge on her in the beginning but he slowly dialed it down and Hillary took over (due to the fact that all he can say is "I/we will do it" or "I/we will get it done" with no information on "how" he is going to do it. Debate isn't only based on performance with the audience, it's also with the policies and how they plan to lead America with those policies. Trump has none.
    wonderful channel! Thank you Ellen ! You are the best!
    waiza dar
    You are an amazing person Ellen. Totally Loved your Show you have Inspired me alot . Thank You <3
    My name's Ellen... I mean Dory... I mean... you know what? I don't know what. I think I'm Dory.
    View all 7 replies
    MelissaRose Lopez
    if whats true lobst35
    Do you know if it's true or not? (BTW: I haven't seen finding Dory yet, mostly because I've been really busy this month, I Really want to though!)
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    Liz Bryant
    Where are your videos? No videos in three weeks :(
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    Colleen Kelly
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    99 Tubes
    "What is this generation coming to" <3
    WVR Spence (WestVirginiaRebel)
    OK the dance-off with Ken Bone was funny.
    How much or our tax payer money went into that precious CVS episode? And King O has the balls to lecture us on responsibility.
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