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About EPA

About the Human Health Risk Assessment Program

HHRA Mission Statement

The Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) research program will generate timely, credible human health assessments of individual chemicals and chemical mixtures to support priority EPA risk management decisions, thereby enabling EPA to better predict and prevent risk.

What We Do

The HHRA research program is one of six priority National Research Program areas with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Research and Development (ORD). The HHRA research program plays a unique role in serving the needs of EPA programs and regions, as weel as the broader risk assessment/management community, by identifying, evaluating, synthesizing and integrating scientific information on individual chemicals and chemical mixtures.

These state-of-the-science, independently peer-review human health assessments prepared under the HHRA research program serve as the foundation for EPA's regulatory and other decision-making to meet the Agency’s mission to protect human health and the environment.

HHRA Projects:

Title Description
EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Chemical toxicity values
EPA's Integrated Science Assessments (ISA) Air quality assessments of the top 6 criteria pollutants
EPA's Health & Environmental Research Online (HERO) References and scientific data supporting EPA assessments
EPA's Ecological Risk Assessment Support Center (ERASC) Responses to ecological questions related to hazardous sites
EPA's Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Values (PPRTVs) Human health toxicity values for hazardous sites
EPA's Benchmark Dose Software (BMDS) Models to estimate dose-response
EPA's EXPOsure toolBOX (ExpoBox) Tools to assist in performing an exposure assessment
EPA's Risk Assessment (RISK) Steps to conducting risk assessments, EPA guidelines,
framework documents, handbooks, and latest products and publications.

​HHRA Online Training: