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Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Monitoring, Assessment and TMDLs
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Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
The Clean Water Act requires states, territories, and authorized tribes to develop lists of impaired waters. These are waters that are too polluted or otherwise degraded to meet the water quality standards set by states, territories, or authorized tribes. The law requires that these jurisdictions establish priority rankings for waters on the lists and develop "Total Maximum Daily Loads" (TMDLs) for these waters. A TMDL is a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a body of water can receive and still safely meet water quality standards.
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EPA-Established Final TMDLs
Although most TMDLs are adopted by states, territories, or authorized tribes, and then approved by EPA, EPA also establishes TMDLs in some cases if:
- EPA disapproves TMDLs submitted by states, territories, or authorized tribes,
- States, territories, or authorized tribes do not submit TMDLs in a timely manner,
- EPA is required to do so pursuant to litigation settlements or judicial orders, or
- States ask EPA to establish TMDLs for particular water bodies.
The following are TMDLs which have been completed by EPA as part of legal requirements under lawsuit settlement consent decrees. EPA-established TMDLs covering other bodies of water will be added as they become available.
Albion River Sediment TMDL
- Final TMDL (PDF) (49 pp, 139K)
- figure 1 (PDF) (poster 35 x 23 inches, 1 pg, 565K)
- Summary of Comments and Responses (PDF) (15 pp, 30K)
Ballona Creek Wetlands Sediment and Invasive Exotic Vegetation TMDL
- Final TMDL (PDF) (98 pp, 2.7MB)
- Response to Comments (PDF) 100 pg, 13.5M)
- Enclosures to comment letters (ZIP) (.zip, 10M)
Big River Sediment TMDL
Final TMDL (PDF) (51 pp, 142K)- figure 1 (PDF) (1 pg, 337K)
Summary of Comments and Responses (PDF) (10 pp, 30K)
Calleguas Creek Chloride TMDL
EPA established this chloride TMDL on March 22, 2002. On December 2, 2008, EPA approved the TMDL submitted by the State of California for boron, chloride, sulfates and total dissolved solids, which supercedes the EPA-established TMDL.
- State-adopted Calleguas Creek Watershed Salts TMDLs (PDF) (72 pp, 2.8MB)
Eel River (Lower) Sediment and Temperature TMDLs
Final TMDL (PDF) (83 pp, 1.7MB)Comment Responsiveness Summary (PDF) (16 pp, 107K)
- Appendix A: Development and Application of the Q2ESHADE Temperature Modeling System to the Lower Eel River, September 2006 (PDF) (84 pp, 2.5MB)
- Appendix B: Airborne Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing, Eel River, CA, October 2005 (PDF) (28 pp, 1MB)
- Appendix C: Sediment Source Assessment for the Lower Eel River Watershed, September 2007 (PDF) (32 pp, 440K)
Eel River (North Fork) Sediment and Temperature TMDLs
Final TMDL (PDF) (50 pp, 615K)- Figure 3-1 (PDF) (1 pg, 1.2 MB)
- Figure 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5 (PDF) (5 pp, 145K)
- Figure 3-6 (PDF) (1 pg, 36K)
- Figure 3-7 (PDF) (1 pg, 34K)
Response to Comments (PDF) (14 pp, 36K)
Eel River (Middle Fork) Sediment and Temperature TMDLs
Final TMDL (PDF) (58 pp, 299K)- Figures (PDF) (7 pp, 605K)
- Appendix A (PDF) (21 pp, 1.4 MB)
- Appendix B: USFS Sediment Source Analysis
- Landslide Assessment (PDF) (23 pp, 104K)
- Tables for Landslide assessment (PDF) (14 pp, 29K)
- Maps (PDF) (2 pp, 1.4 MB)
- Small Source Study (PDF) (37 pp, 287K)
- Landslide Assessment (PDF) (23 pp, 104K)
Summary of comments and responses (PDF) (11 pg, 63K)
Eel River (South Fork) Sediment and Temperature TMDLs
Final TMDL (PDF) (62 pp, 273K)- Figure 5 (PDF) (1 pg, 441K)
- Figure 6 (PDF) (1 pg, 80K)
- Figure 7 (PDF) (1 pg, 447K)
- Figure 13 (PDF) (1 pg, 129K)
- Figure 14 (PDF) (1 pg, 461K)
- Figure 15 (PDF) (1 pg, 465K)
Eel River (Middle Main) Sediment and Temperature TMDLs
Final TMDL (PDF) (55 pp, 557K)- Figures & Maps (PDF) (10 pp, 853 K)
- Appendix A (PDF): Q2ESHADE Temperature Modeling System (93 pp, 9MB)
- Appendix B (PDF): Sediment Source Analysis (13 pp, 445K)
Eel River (Upper Main) Sediment and Temperature TMDLs
Final TMDL (PDF) (70 pp, 981K)- Figure 1 (PDF): Major features of the Upper Eel TMDL area (1 pg. map, 128K)
- Figure 2 (PDF): Adult Steelhead Returns to Van Arsdale (1 pg. map, 22K)
- Figure 3 (PDF): Stream Temperature Modeling Results (1 pg. map, 192K)
- Figures 4 & 5 (PDF): Modeled Stream Temperatures from Van Arsdale to Outlet Creek (1 pg, 52K)
- Tables III & IV (PDF): Tomki Creek Shade effects on Stream Temperature (1 pg, 42K)
- Appendix A (Technical Appendix) (PDF): Development and Application of the Q2ESHADE Temperature Modeling System to the Upper Main Eel River (74 pp, 2.6MB)
- Appendix B (PDF): Sediment Source Analysis for the Upper Eel River Sediment TMDL (40 pp, 1.9MB)
- Appendix C (PDF): Sediment Tables for the Entire Watershed and Subwatersheds (29 pp, 847K)
Upper Main Eel Temperature and Sediment TMDLs Comment Responsiveness Summary (PDF) (19 pp, 306K)
Garcia River Sediment TMDL
EPA established this TMDL on March 16, 1998. On March 7, 2002, EPA approved the TMDL submitted by the State of California, which supercedes the EPA-established TMDL.
State-adopted Garcia River Watershed Sediment TMDLs
Gualala River Sediment TMDL
- Final TMDL (PDF) (22 pp, 108K)
- Responses to Comments (11 pg, 26K)
Long Beach City Beaches and Los Angeles River Estuary TMDLs for Indicator Bacteria
- Long Beach City Beaches and Los Angeles River Estuary TMDLs for Indicator Bacteria (PDF) (65 pp, 1.5MB)
- Response to Comments (PDF) (116 pp, 2.6MB)
- Appendix A - LB Bacteria Data Analysis (PDF) (63 pp, 5.85MB)
- Appendix B - LB Bacteria TMDL Wet Weather Loading (PDF) (22 pp, 1.74MB)
- Appendix C - LB Bacteria TMDL Dry Weather Loading (PDF) (12 pp, 1MB)
- Appendix D - LB Bacteria TMDL EFDC Assessment (DOC) (12 pp, 1.3MB)
- General and NPDES Permits in Long Beach and LA River Estuary Watershed (XLS) (1 pg, 50K)
Los Angeles Area Lakes Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Mercury, Trash, Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs TMDLs
- Los Angeles Area Lakes TMDLs (Entire Document including Appendices) (PDF) (940 pp, 15.5MB)
- Sections 1-3 Executive Summary, Introduction, Problem Statement and Summary of Approach (PDF) (81 pp, 1.5MB)
- Section 4 Peck Road Park Lake (PDF) (87 pp, 1.9MB)
- Section 5 Lincoln Park Lake (PDF) (31 pp, 926K)
- Section 6 Echo Park Lake (PDF) (67 pp, 1.5MB)
- Section 7 Lake Calabasas (PDF) (19 pp, 558K)
- Section 8 El Dorado Park Lakes (PDF) (39 pp, 743K)
- Section 9 Legg Lakes (PDF) (29 pp, 827K)
- Section 10 Puddingstone Reservoir (PDF) (89 pp, 1.4MB)
- Section 11 Santa Fe Dam Park Lake (PDF) (23 pp, 492K)
- Section 12 Lake Sherwood (PDF) (23 pp, 804K)
- Section 13 Westlake Lake (PDF) (5 pp, 297K)
- Section 14 References (PDF) (5 pp, 109K)
- Appendices A-H (PDF) (455 pp, 6.8MB)
- Response to Comments (PDF) (53 pp, 561K)
Los Angeles River Watershed Trash TMDL
EPA established this TMDL on March 19, 2002. On August 1, 2002, EPA approved the TMDL submitted by the State of California, which supercedes the EPA-established TMDL.
Los Cerritos Channel Metals TMDLs
EPA established the Los Cerritos Channel Metals TMDLs for Copper, Lead and Zinc on March 17, 2010.
- Final Los Cerritos Channel Metals TMDLs (PDF) (54 pp, 976K)
- Los Cerritos Channel Metals TMDLs Appendices (PDF) (41 pp, 1.4MB)
- Response to Comments Part 1, December 2008 Public Notice (PDF) (47 pp, 228K)
- Response to Comments Part 2, November 2009 Pubic Notice (PDF) (18 pp, 90K)
- Existing NPDES permits within the watershed (XLS) (1 pg, 64K)
Lost River Nutrients and pH TMDLs
EPA established these nutrient TMDLs on December 30, 2008.
- Final TMDL for Lost River, California Nutrients (PDF) (110 pp, 3.5MB)
- Appendix A - Report on Lost River Model for TMDL Development, August 2005 (PDF) (234 pp, 4.8MB)
- Comment Responsiveness Summary (PDF) (106 pp, 454K)
Some technical support documents are provided here since they are referenced in the TMDLs and provide additional clarification.
- Lost River Modeling Scenario 1D - Variable Load Reduction TMDL Except for Impoundments, 6/22/05 (PDF) (69 pp, 3MB)
- Email from Mustafa Faizullabhoy of TetraTech regarding load calculations, 8/29/06 (PDF) (2 pp, 15K)
Mad River Sediment and Turbidity TMDLs
Final TMDL (PDF) (112 pp, 1.74MB)Comment Responsiveness Summary (PDF) (52 pp, 511K)
Sediment Source Analysis (PDF) (173 pp, 13.3MB)
- Plate 1 - Subwatersheds (3 pp, 3MB)
- Plate 2 - GMA Sampling Sites (3 pp, 1.9MB)
- Plate 3 - Mean Annual Precipitation (3 pp, 2.6MB)
- Plate 4 - Anadromous Distribution (1 pg, 2.2MB)
- Plate 5 - Land Ownership (1 pg, 1.8MB)
- Plate 6 - Geology (3 pp, 5.4MB)
- Plate 7 - Transportation (3 pp, 3.0MB)
- Plate 8 - Percent Slope (3 pp, 2.8MB)
- Plate 9 - Landslides pre-1975 (3 pp, 2.9MB)
- Plate 10 - Landslides post-1975 (3 pp, 3.8MB)
Malibu Creek Nutrient and Bacteria
Cover Letter (PDF) (transmittal of final TMDLs to the State of California) (2 pp, 55K)Final TMDL for Nutrients (PDF) (53 pp, 626K)
- Appendix (PDF) (17 pp, 654K)
Final TMDL for Bacteria (PDF) (42 pp, 1.1 MB)
Response to Comments
- City of Calabasas (Nutrients and Bacteria (PDF) (3 pp, 27K))
- Heal the Bay (Bacteria (PDF) (14 pp, 85K); Nutrients (PDF) (32 pp, 1.2 MB))
- Los Angeles County Sanitation District (Nutrients (PDF) (8 pp, 62K))
- Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (Bacteria (PDF) (5 pp, 30K); Nutrients (PDF) (5 pp, 37K))
- City of Malibu (Bacteria (PDF) (9 pp, 72K); Nutrients (PDF) (11 pg, 128K))
- Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (Bacteria (PDF) (9 pp, 94K); Nutrients (PDF) (8 pp, 141K))
- Las Virgenes Municipal Water District (Nutrients (PDF) (26 pp, 863K))
- City of Westlake Village (Bacteria (PDF) (4 pp, 28K); Nutrients (PDF) (3 pp, 52K))
Malibu Creek and Lagoon Sedimentation and Nutrients Impacting Benthic Community
Please see EPA-lead TMDLs, recently completed
Mattole River Sediment TMDL
Final TMDL (PDF) (44 pp, 1MB)- Figure 1-1 (PDF) (1 pg, 930K)
- Figure 4-2 (PDF) (1 pg, 1.16 MB)
- Figure 4-3 (PDF) (1 pg, 1.17 MB)
- Responses to Comments (PDF) (47 pp, 129K)
Navarro River Sediment and Temperature TMDLs
- Final TMDL (PDF) (45 pp, 1.3 MB)
- Technical Addendum (PDF) (1 pg, 418K)
- Responses to Comments (PDF) (1 pg, 137K)
Noyo River Sediment TMDL
- Final TMDL (PDF) (47 pp, 799K)
Oxnard Drain 3 Pesticides, PCBs, and Sediment Toxicity TMDLs
- Final TMDL (PDF) (57 pp, 1.34MB)
- Response to Comments (PDF) (36 pp, 204K)
Pinto Creek Copper TMDL
- Final TMDL (PDF) (47 pp, 155K)
- Appendices (PDF) (53 pp, 628K)
- Responses to Comments (PDF) (35 pp, 93K)
Redwood Creek Sediment TMDL
- Final TMDL (PDF) (72 pp, 5MB) with watershed map (PDF) (1 pg, 226K)
- Responses to Comments (36 pp, 87KB)
San Diego Creek, Newport Bay Sediment TMDL
EPA established TMDLs for sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus for Newport Bay and San Diego Creek, CA on April 13, 1998. EPA subsequently approved slightly revised TMDLs submitted by the State of California for sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus for Newport Bay and San Diego Creek on April 16, 1999. These State-adopted TMDLs supercede the TMDLs previously established by EPA.
State-adopted TMDLs for Los Angeles River Watershed Trash TMDL (PDF) (32 pp, 470K)
San Diego Creek, Newport Bay Toxics TMDL
Final TMDL Document (PDF) (This document is currently unavailable)Technical Support Documents:
- Part A: Relevant Maps (PDF) (11 pg, 1.5 MB)
- Part B: Freshwater Flow and Seasonal Variations (PDF) (6 pp, 316K)
- Part C: Organophosphate (OP) Pesticides (PDF) (22 pp, 75K)
- Part D: Selenium (PDF) (25 pp, 596K)
- Part E: Metals (PDF) (32 pp, 542K)
- Part F: Organochlorine Compounds (PDF) (20 pp, 135K)
- Part G: Chromium and Mercury (PDF) (11 pg, 59K)
- Part H: Decision Document (PDF) (37 pp, 303K)
- Part I: Responsiveness Summary (PDF) (50 pp, 179K)
Santa Clara River Chlorides TMDL
- Final TMDL (PDF) (22 pp, 144K)
- Response to Comments (PDF) (12 pp, 98K)
Santa Monica Bay DDTs and PCBs TMDL
- Final TMDL (PDF) (73 pp, 2MB)
- Appendix A: Modeling Study (PDF) (21 pp, 1.1MB)
- Appendix B: Estimation of Santa Monica Bay Water Column Concentration of DDTs and PCBs, Nov 2011 (PDF) (19 pp, 1.4MB)
- Response to Comments (PDF) (62 pp, 4.3MB)
San Gabriel River Metals TMDLs
EPA has established the San Gabriel River Metals TMDLs in lieu of California because of deadlines associated with consent decree. The response to comments document is also available.
- Final San Gabriel River TMDLs for Metals and Selenium (PDF) (60 pp, 800K)
- San Gabriel TMDL Figures (PDF) (13 pp, 2MB)
- Response to Comments (PDF) (44 pp, 258K)
Extra technical support documents are also provided here since they are referenced in the Draft TMDLs and therefore they may give additional clarification.
- Dry - Weather Modeling Report
(PDF) (37 pp, 1.5MB)
– Appendix A (PDF) (4 pp, 108K) - Wet - Weather Modeling Report (PDF) (31 pp, 1MB)
– Appendix A – Hydrology Calibration (PDF) (35 pp, 764K)
– Appendix B – Water Quality Parameters (PDF) (5 pp, 130K)
– Appendix C – Water Quality Analyses for Storm Events (PDF) (4 pp, 38K)
– Appendix D – Water Quality Analyses at Historical Mass Emission Stations (PDF) (17 pp, 175K)
Ten Mile River Sediment TMDL
- Final TMDL (PDF) (89 pp, 956K)
- Summary of Comments and Responses (PDF) (18 pp, 196K)
Trinity River Sediment TMDL
Final TMDL (PDF) (81 pp, 1.16MB)- figure 1-1 (PDF) (1 pg, 444K)
- figure 1-2 (PDF) (1 pg, 362K)
- figure 1-3 (PDF) (1 pg, 300K)
- figure 1-4 (PDF) (1 pg, 354K)
- figure 1-5 (PDF) (1 pg, 189K)
Comment Responsiveness Summary (PDF) (61 pg, 355K)
Trinity River (South Fork) Sediment TMDL
Final TMDL (PDF) (75 pp, 795K)Van Duzen River Sediment TMDL
Final TMDL (PDF) (73 pp, 1.21MB)- figure 1.1 (PDF) (1 pg, 150K)
- figure 21 (PDF) (1 pg, 130K)
- figure 22 (PDF) (1 pg, 125K)