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Forecasts and Projections

ABAG's history of developing forecasts for the region spans a period of over four decades, with a report titled Projections. For each Projections cycle, the research group prepares a forecast of population, households and economic activity in the San Francisco Bay Area. The forecasts include a time frame of roughly 25 years into the future. The Projections document distributes population, households and employment throughout the region based on a combination of economic relationships and policy factors. Projections 2013 data is available by county, city, and census tract levels.

Bay Area Regional Projections

Demographics 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
Population 7,150,739 7,461,400 7,786,800 8,134,000 8,496,800 8,889,000 9,299,100
Household Population 7,003,059 7,307,400 7,623,700 7,961,900 8,313,900 8,690,400 9,084,800
Households 2,608,023 2,720,410 2,837,680 2,952,910 3,072,920 3,188,330 3,308,090
Persons Per Household 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.70 2.71 2.73 2.75
Employed Residents 3,268,680 3,547,310 3,849,790 3,949,620 4,052,020 4,198,400 4,350,070
Jobs 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
Agriculture & Natural Resources 24,640 25,180 25,690 24,800 23,940 23,330 22,750
Construction 142,350 168,380 197,560 203,280 209,150 217,080 225,290
Manufacturing & Wholesale 460,170 473,360 486,720 476,580 467,010 461,330 456,080
Retail 335,930 352,550 370,260 372,210 374,060 379,210 384,420
Transportation & Utilities 98,710 108,320 119,080 120,650 122,090 124,760 127,360
Information 121,070 134,550 149,640 150,890 152,130 154,720 157,330
Financial & Leasing 186,070 204,730 225,520 226,770 227,680 230,880 233,790
Professional & Managerial Services 596,740 678,230 771,560 814,300 859,260 914,710 973,640
Health & Educational Services 447,720 497,070 553,680 584,230 616,620 656,290 698,610
Arts, Recreation & Other Services 472,930 519,020 570,160 589,000 608,420 633,960 660,570
Government 498,970 508,600 517,280 526,610 536,220 550,550 565,390
Total Jobs 3,385,300 3,669,990 3,987,150 4,089,320 4,196,580 4,346,820 4,505,230
Sources: 2010 demographic data are taken directly from the U.S. Census. 2010 employment data are derived from California County-Level Economic Forecast, 2011-2040, California Department of Transportation; Bay Area Job Growth to 2040: Projections and Analysis, Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy; 1989-2009 National Establishment Times-Series (NETS) Database, Walls & Associates using Dun and Bradstreet data; and labor force data from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau's 2005-2009 American Community Survey.

With the passage of SB 375, ABAG's forecast has become a part of Plan Bay Area, a joint effort led by ABAG and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) in partnership with the Bay Area's other two regional government agencies, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC). The most recent projections series, Projections 2013, distributes activity in conformance with expected development patterns described in Plan Bay Area to the year 2040.