Application Fee or Waiver

Application Fee or Waiver

Submit the $90 nonrefundable application fee with your First-Year or Transfer Common Application.

Freshman Fee Waiver Request

You are eligible for a fee waiver if you meet at least one of the Common Application eligibility requirements. Ask your counselor to verify your fee waiver request online or submit a letter of eligibility (with your Common Application ID number noted) by mail or fax: (650) 723-6050. We will not review your application until your counselor or school official has taken one of these two actions. 

Transfer Fee Waiver Request

You are eligible for a fee waiver if you meet at least one of the Common Application eligibility requirements. Applications will not be reviewed until we receive verification from an outside official, such as a financial aid officer, academic advisor or a member of a community or social services organization, who can attest to your fee waiver eligibility. 

Freshman Fee Waiver Request Forms

Visit the following websites for fee waiver request forms:

Updated on July 31, 2015 12:40 PM