Head of the Class
SPYING FROM SPACE: Sidney Drell and William Perry, '49, MS '50 are among 10 scientists honored as "founders of national reconnaissance as a space discipline" by the National Reconnaissance Office, which uses satellites to collect information for the intelligence community. Drell is professor emeritus of theoretical physics and former deputy director of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, and Perry, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, is the Michael and Barbara Berberian Professor of Management Science and Engineering.
TOP PROFS: Joanne Martin, the Fred H. Merrill Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Business School, has received the Distinguished Educator Award from the 10,000-member Academy of Management for her research in organizational behavior and issues of gender and race in employment. Roland H. Horne, professor of petroleum engineering, was elected a Distinguished Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Eric T. Kool, professor of chemistry, has won the American Chemical Society's Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award for his innovative research on DNA replication.
A SHOW OF SUPPORT: John D. Krumboltz, professor of education and psychology, has won the Online Mental Health Research Award. He co-authored a study evaluating the impact of an online support group for Asian-American males at Stanford, a group historically reluctant to use face-to-face counseling services. Martin Hellman, MS '67, PhD '69, professor emeritus of electrical engineering, has received the Marconi International Fellowship, which supports advances in telecommunications for humanitarian benefit.
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