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U.S.-Asia Security Initiative


In Sasebo, Japan, members from the maritime forces of India, Japan and the United States observe a trilateral naval field exercise in July 2014.
Photo credit: 
Flickr/U.S. Pacific Fleet


Principal Investigator
Distinguished Fellow, S-APARC, Affiliate, CISAC, Affiliate, CDDRL, Affiliate, TEC

The U.S.-Asia Security Initiative facilitates inter-disciplinary, policy-relevant research on security and international cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region and seeks to offer practical steps that stakeholders can take to strengthen U.S. alliance commitments in the region.

Recent years have revealed the post-Cold War international order is increasingly under strain. And while the United States is positioned to remain a global power, a new and uncertain multipolar system is emerging in Asia. Given this reality, there exists a pressing need for research about how developments in the Asia-Pacific region impact U.S. interests, and how to respond.

Led by Karl Eikenberry, who served as U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan from 2009 to 2011 and retired from the U.S. Army after 35 years of service, the U.S.-Asia Security Initiative aims to look beyond simplistic notions of nations engaging harmoniously or competing against each other, and explore a range of policy options.

Launched in July 2015, the initiative is founded on the premise that there is a role for an institution that not only fosters groundbreaking research, but also serves to convene academic and governmental expertise from across the Asia-Pacific region in a dialogue aiming to inform policy and strategy.

The initiative will build synergies with existing activities at Stanford, engaging faculty and researchers from the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, as well as partners from peer institutions and organizations working in related fields.

Foundational components of the initiative include:

  • Core working group of experts from Stanford and peer institutions to convene in the United States and Asia.
  • Educational opportunities for Stanford students.
  • Speaker series open to the public.
  • Resources such as policy reports and articles made available online.

The formal announcement about the initiative, published in June 2015, can be found by clicking here.