
Welcome to Colloquies, a dynamic index to current themes that run through Arcade’s field of literature, the humanities, and the world.  For each Colloquy, a curator selects from a variety of intellectual work in different modes—journal articles, book chapters, multimedia recordings, and blog posts—to assemble a conversation

Welcome to Colloquies, a dynamic index to current themes that run through Arcade’s field of literature, the humanities, and the world.  For each Colloquy, a curator selects from a variety of intellectual work in different modes—journal articles, book chapters, multimedia recordings, and blog posts—to assemble a conversation

Welcome to Colloquies, a dynamic index to current themes that run through Arcade’s field of literature, the humanities, and the world.  For each Colloquy, a curator selects from a variety of intellectual work in different modes—journal articles, book chapters, multimedia recordings, and blog posts—to assemble a conversation 

Featured Colloquies

Locating Contemporary Asian American Poetry

Brian Reed, Kornelia Freitag
In 1996, Juliana Chang observed that there were a "disproportionately small number of critical essays" on the topic of Asian American poetry and poetics. Asian American literary and cultural study might have grown rapidly as an area of scholarly specialty since the 1970s, but academics still seemed to approach verse with near "fear and loathing."  more

Poetry after Language

Marijeta Bozovic, Walt Hunter
The diverse practices associated with the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E school of poetry marked a shift—or a return to avant-garde practices and leftist politics—in American poetry in the 1970s. This colloquy pairs with a 2015 seminar at the American Comparative Literature Association conference examining the continuing international significance of the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E school in the wake of renewed politically engaged practices after the international years of protest (and protest culture) of 2011-13. more

21st-Century Marxisms

Adam Morris
From the pages of The New York Times and The Nation to those of the American Spectator, social commentators  advanced, debunked, and fretted over the claim that 2014 marked a comeback year for Marxist thought. more

We, Reading, Now

Dalglish Chew, Julie Orlemanski
"We, Reading, Now" invites participants to rethink the status of critique in literary studies.  more