Work - Life Integration

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed as you navigate the constant demands of work and life, you’re not alone. Grounded in the idea that even small shifts in behavior can unlock significant change, this workshop will help you identify tangible steps to feel more productive, calm and creative in the different dimensions of your life. Self-reflection exercises will give you fresh insights into how you can thrive both at work and at home. Workshop attendees will have the chance to follow up in a multi-week support group for more in-depth work. Key learning includes :

  • A new framework for thinking about work-life "balance" that provides relief to the overwhelmed perfectionist in many of us
  • An introduction to self-reflection questions designed to unlock new approaches to common challenges
  • Tangible ideas to create change based on the sharing of examples from real-life situations

About the Speaker: Currently the Senior Director of WorkLife Strategy at Stanford, Phyllis Stewart Pires is passionate about helping people successfully manage the competing demands of work, study, personal and family life. With a master’s degree in developmental studies, Phyllis is endlessly interested in how people grow and thrive, and she has spoken and written about such topics as work-life integration, women in leadership and creating inclusive work environments. As part of a dual-career couple juggling the demands of kids and aging parents, Phyllis also brings hard-won perspective to her work, including her view that “balance” may lead people to chase an impossible goal and needs to be re-framed.

Date and Time: 
Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 12:00
Black Community Services Center, 418, Santa Teresa St. BCSC Community Room
Event Sponsor: 
Help Center
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Last modified Sat, 22 Aug, 2015 at 23:45