Making a positive change

January 9, 2013

We know that making (and sustaining) healthy lifestyle changes is difficult.  So, it is with great pleasure that we share a few inspirational wellness stories we’re following at BeWell.

While you may know some of these people on campus, perhaps you don’t know how each has managed to make long-term, meaningful healthy lifestyle changes. We are proud of the hurdles they cleared to make positive changes and we invite you to read their stories and share in their successes. 

“I was living a sedentary life. Now all that has changed and I’m an active person.”
Scot Johnson

“In 2006, I weighed 275 lbs. I had been overweight all of my life and was just diagnosed as pre-diabetic.”
Tracy Terada
School of Medicine

“I used improving my golf game as my primary motivator for participating in the BeWell program.”
Ken Chang
Lands Buildings and Real Estate
“I use a pedometer every day to track the number of steps I take I take every day.”
Dana Forks
Stanford Prevention Research Center

“Before, I would get up in the morning and complain about body aches, but I would blame that on old age catching up to me.”
Emad Hamrah

“I realized that I have two wonderful kids, a wonderful spouse and a great life. If I wanted to hold on to the things that matter in life and enjoy them for as long as I can, I’d better shape up — and fast.”
Jeremy Benjamin
School of Medicine

“I come from a couch potato family. I threw myself into the program and ran my first marathon.”
Jackie Charonis
Graduate School of Business

“Today I have the confidence that the shift in my behaviors — with the continued attention to how I relate to food and exercise — will allow me to find the success that I have not found previously in my life.”
Mikie Giusti

“I decided I would take up running at 57.”
Sandra Fester
Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge


“A few years ago, I was overweight and unhealthy — it’s that simple. In August of 2009, my daughter said to me, ‘Mom, I’m worried about you. I want you to be around for a long time for your grandsons.’”
Glenna Letsinger
                          Stanford Immunology and Rheumatology