37th Annual APPAM Fall Research Conference

The Golden Age of Evidence-Based Policy
Thursday, November 12, 2015 (All day) to Saturday, November 14, 2015 (All day)

Miami, Florida

Come and see us discuss/participate/present at 37th Annual APPAM Fall Research Conference on November 12-14 in Miami, Florida

Special Events on Friday, November 13, 2015:

07:00am: Spencer Foundation Award Lecture by the 2015 Spencer Foundation Award winner Sean Reardon of Stanford University
12:00pm: Presentation of 2015 Raymond Vernon Memorial Award to Tom Dee, Stanford University and our colleague James H. Wyckoff, University of Virginia.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Transfer Whom to Where? Positive Spillover from More Effective Peers
Min Sun, University of Washington, Susanna Loeb, Stanford University, and Jason A. Grissom, Vanderbilt University

More Than Demographics: School Rankings Based on Teacher Preferences
Lindsay Fox, Stanford University

Effects of Teacher Evaluation and Incentives on Student Achievement: Evidence from DCPS
Melinda Adnot, University of Virginia, Thomas Dee, Stanford University, Veronica Katz, University of Virginia, and James Wyckoff1, University of Virginia

The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies Curriculum
Emily K. Penner, Stanford University, and Thomas Dee, Stanford University

Poster: Gender Response to Competitive Outcomes
June Park John, Stanford University

Friday, November 13, 2015

Panel: K-12 Accountability Under NCLB and Beyond: Empirical Evidence and Directions for Evidence-Based Policy
Panel Chairs: Thomas Dee, Stanford University

Bias in Online Classes: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Thomas Dee, Stanford University, June Park John, Stanford University, Rachel Baker, University of California, Irvine, and Brent Evans, Vanderbilt University

Student Achievement in Online Courses
Cassandra Hart, University of California, Davis, Brian Jacobs, University of Michigan, and Susanna Loeb, Stanford University

How College Credit in High School Changes College Students' Course of Study
Michael Drew Hurwitz, The College Board, Christopher Avery, Harvard University, Jonathan Smith, The College Board, and Oded Gurantz, Stanford University

The Long Run Effects of Financial Aid: Evidence from the Cal Grants
Eric Bettinger, Stanford University, Oded Gurantz, Stanford University, Laura Kawano, U.S. Department of Treasury, and Bruce Sacerdote, Dartmouth College

Teacher Turnover and Student Achievement in DC Public Schools
James Wyckoff, University of Virginia, Melinda Adnot, University of Virginia, Thomas Dee, Stanford University, and Veronica Katz, University of Virginia

Estimating Causal Effects of Education Interventions Using a Two-Rating RDD: Lessons from Simulations
Kristin E. Porter, MDRC, Sean Reardon, Stanford University, Fatih Unlu, Abt Associates, Howard Bloom, MDRC, and Joseph Robinson-Cimpian, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

The Effect of Transitional Kindergarten on Student Outcomes
Chris Doss, Stanford University

Recent Trends in Socioeconomic and Racial School Readiness Gaps at Kindergarten Entry
Sean Reardon, Stanford University, and Ximena Portilla, Stanford University

Are Early Childhood Disparities Narrowing? the Changing Nature of Early Childhood and Its Link to Narrowing School-Entry Achievement Gaps
Daphna Bassok, University of Virginia, RaeHyuck Lee, Columbia University, Sean Reardon, Stanford University, and Jane Waldfogel, Columbia University

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Publicly Funded Preschool and School Readiness for Low-Income Children: The Moderating Role of Child Temperament
Jenna E. Finch, Stanford University, Anna D. Johnson, Georgetown University, and Deborah Phillips, Georgetown University

Pay By Design: Teacher Performance Pay Design and the Distribution of Student Achievement
Prashant Loyalka, Stanford University, Sean Sylvia, Renmin University, Chengfang Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yaojiang Shi, Shaanxi Normal University, James Chu, Stanford University, and Scott Rozelle, Stanford University