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Friday, June 12, 2009

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News & Advice

Academic Assets

Should academics invest in socially responsible funds?

Ms. Mentor

How should an untenured faculty member deal with the questionable overtures of her dean?

Page Proof

If graduate students in the humanities are not being taught how to write, how can we expect those in the sciences to do any better?

The Fund Raiser

Here are some cost-cutting and time-saving tips to make you a more efficient traveler.

Moving Up

The time has come for colleges and universities to get serious about succession planning.

First Person

A Ph.D. candidate in sociology would like to believe in tenure-track jobs but she is just not sure they exist.

P&T Confidential

For assistant professors, the most important thing to keep in mind is that the tenure clock does not stop.

First Person

With summer comes the time for an associate professor to organize her office, and this time she really means it.

The Two-Year Track

Having a doctorate won't hurt you, as long as getting it didn't interfere too much with your education.

Career News

I've learned my lesson: I'll never teach online again.

On Course

Anxious students need confidence-building as much as they need an honest appraisal of their work.

First Person

An assistant professor confronts the mix of emotions that comes with earning promotion.

On Message

Promoting the work of faculty members can be a great way to raise your college's profile — but not if they don't cooperate.

An Academic in America

Should professors put down roots or remain self-contained — like potted plants — in anticipation of the next relocation?


A scientist at midcareer has learned to cope with the mismatches and uncertainties of the grant process.

Balancing Act

Dealing with the rigidities of the tenure system is a key reform facing academe, if we want tenure to persist.

Career Talk

Four Ph.D.'s talk about turning away from faculty careers to work in academic advising.

First Person

The most important result of applying for fellowships is the confidence that comes with success.

First Person

Too often, no one explains to graduate students what to expect of their comprehensive exams.

First Person

Just because your students are computer-literate doesn't mean they are research-literate.

Heads Up

A look at the steps faculty members can take to prepare for an administrative appointment.

Page Proof

Why do graduate students tend to be so eager to dismiss, dislike, and disrespect what they read?

Academic Assets

If you'd rather be reading Trollope, then put your retirement on autopilot.

The Fund Raiser

In an era of dwindling service, we can't afford to have donors feel like no one is paying attention to them.

First Person

The fourth in a series on what assistant professors want and need to be successful in academe.

The Two-Year Track

If we assume that having a Ph.D. makes someone a better teacher, we can overlook outstanding people with "just a master's."

P&T Confidential

Before you ride off to martyred glory, consider the good sense of living to fight another day.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the CV's of three faculty-job candidates and an administrator seeking to move up.

Career News

College workers in mid career are most likely to express negative feelings about their jobs, The Chronicle's first extensive survey of college workplaces has found.
On Hiring

Overworked and Underpaid
For tenure-track faculty members to complain about being "overworked" is just bad manners.

When a Search Fails
What caused your faculty search to fail and what did you do in the aftermath?

Read a special report on how colleges are working to diversify their faculties and staffs.


New Topics

Ex-Offenders in Academe

A violent ex-offender wonders whether it is feasible for him to pursue a doctorate and an academic career.

Funding in Jeopardy?

Is it possible that my university would eliminate teaching-assistant positions and, therefore, my source of funding?, a newly accepted doctoral student asks.

Looking Ahead

How bad is next year's academic job market going to be?

Grade Disputes

A professor seeks advice on how to handle a grade complaint from an angry student.

Difficult Colleague

A new chair seeks advice on dealing with a faculty member with a personality disorder.


Professors share their rubrics for grading papers.

Excuses, Excuses

What's the lamest excuse you've heard from a student for not turning in an assignment on time?

When Wrong Is Right

Has ignoring the collective wisdom about academic job searching ever paid off for you?

Student Evaluations Say the Darnedest Things

Professors talk about their latest student evaluations.

2009 Tenure-Track Cohort

Newly hired professors talk about their first year on the tenure track.

Job-Market Check-In Thread

Share information about how your search is progressing.

Dissertators' Support Thread

Need help overcoming procrastination? Join a virtual support group for dissertation writers.

Available Forums

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