» Protein Analytics
Mass Mapping
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‡ Edman Sequencing
  Genomic Services
• Oligo Synthesis
• Gene Expression
   & Bioanalyzer
• Real-Time PCR
• Pyrosequencing
• Next Gen Sequencing
• DNA Sequencing
   & Fragment Analysis
  Protein Services
• Peptide Synthesis
• Mass Spectrometry
• Protein Analytics
‡ Mass Mapping
‡ Edman Sequencing
• Biacore
• Antibody
Located in rooms
B065 and B017


Protein Analytics - Mass Mapping


** Dick Winant, who is in charge of Mass Spectrometry and Edman Sequencing sections, will be on vacation from March 2nd through March 12th.  Any orders submitted during this time will be delayed until he gets back. Please contact Michael Eckart if you have any questions.


The PAN Biotechnology Facility offers several services for identifying proteins and for determining primary sequence information for proteins and peptides.

• Mass Mapping is a convenient and sensitive method for determining the identity of proteins. Mass mapping involves tryptic digestion of proteins and mass analysis of the resulting mixture of peptides.  As long as a protein’s sequence is present in a database, it can be accurately identified by this method.  Samples can be submitted in gels (preferred), in solution, or dried. Mass Mapping is performed using the 4700 Proteomics Analyzer.

• Edman Sequencing provides primary sequence information by automated analysis of sequential amino acid residues.   Samples can be submitted immobilized on PVDF membranes (preferred), in solution or dried samples. For Stanford clients, we can extend the method  to include protease digestion, separation by HPLC and subsequent Edman sequencing of peptides.