The Stanford Cyber Initiative studies “cyber-social systems,” in which cyber technologies interact with existing social systems. Social systems comprise the various organizations of human activity, including markets (e.g., consumer, health, education), political arenas (e.g. election campaigns), and other communities (e.g., the workplace). Cyber technologies encompass networked digital technologies – notably, the internet – and extend, for instance, to infrastructure control systems and wireless biomedical devices. Thus, cyber-social systems, both large and small, use embedded digital structures and devices to facilitate, enhance and scale human endeavors.
From the Blog: We’re excited to introduce a podcast we’re co-sponsoring with Worldview Stanford, called Raw Data! It’s about the datasets and cyber technologies that affect our lives, and the first episode is about our digital behavior, and inferences...
Our Cyber-Social Systems blog updates every week, check it out!
jANUARY 8, 2015
The Stanford Cyber Initiative is pleased to announce a new round of funding for research projects from the University community that address the opportunities and challenges inherent in cyber-social systems.