Stanford University

Becoming a Fellow


We seek exceptional individuals who:

  • have built a career of major accomplishments (20-30 years) and who now seek to deepen their knowledge and/or embrace new fields.
  • wish to undergo a personal transition to new roles with social impact at the local,
    national or global level.
  • are eager to actively participate in and contribute to the unique learning environment of Stanford University and foster a productive life through intellectual pursuits, programmatic development, intergenerational engagements, and health and wellness activities that are aimed at improving individual lives and the life of communities.


Fellows are selected based on how their participation in the program will shape their future life journeys. A record of successful collaborative efforts is considered along with knowledge, skills, and accomplishments. Consideration is also given to the potential of Fellows to contribute to the program and the broader global community.

DCI Partners Program:

Spouses or life partners of DCI Fellows have the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of the program as designated DCI Partners. If your spouse or partner is interested in being considered as a DCI Partner, please have him or her complete the DCI Partner Application (see button below).


The fee to attend the Stanford Distinguished Careers Institute for the 2017 program as a DCI Fellow is $63,500. The fee to attend as a DCI Partner is $29,000.

A select number of applicants whose careers have been in the public sector, including the military, public education, the arts, or related fields, may be eligible for a reduced fee.

Fellows are expected to find their own personal housing.

Application Process:

The application period for the 2017 class will open on February 19, 2016. DCI faculty will review all submissions, and finalists will be interviewed in person or by telephone. Applications will be reviewed in two rounds:

Round 1
Applications received between February 19 and April 15, 2016.
Decision timeframe: early May 2016.

Round 2
Applications received between April 16 and June 15, 2016.
Decision timeframe: early July 2016.


Partner APP

Partner APP



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