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Stanford Mingde Scholarships are available for Stanford graduate students to complete outstanding dissertations that may generate a strong impact on the field, or for a leading scholar/writer in Chinese humanities to conduct a lecture series. Faculty may apply for Mingde funds to host a workshop/Symposium leading to a volume likely to be published by a major academic press.

Applications should include a statement (maximum two pages) articulating the potential significance of the proposed book/project in Chinese studies and an updated CV with a complete list of publications by the recipient of the scholarship. A student applicant must be nominated by the dissertation adviser and submit a dissertation proposal, progress report on the dissertation, and list other sources of financial support.

The application and nomination should be sent to Stanford Mingde Scholarship Committee of the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures in April each year. In the case of a lecture-series, or a workshop/symposium proposal, an itemized budget should be included in the application. Projects with matching funds from other sources are welcome. The recipient of the scholarships will be announced in June each year.

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