Students watching class lecture

Stanford offers over 300 energy courses. Link below to current listings.

We hope to see you at the weekly cross-campus Energy Seminar on Mondays during the academic year at 4:30-5:20pm in NVIDIA Auditorium. Students may take the Energy Seminar for credit or drop in for talks of interest.

Incoming graduate and professional school students may enroll in a week-long energy course Energy@Stanford&SLAC, that runs September 8-11, 2015.

For lifelong learners, the Stanford Center for Professional Development offers an Energy Innovation and Emerging Technologies Certificate.

If you notice any omissions or inaccuracies in the listing please email: Thank you.

2015 - 2016 Academic Year

Department Course Codesort icon Course Title Description General Education Requirement(s)
ENERGY 361 Master's Degree Research in Energy Resources Engineering Experimental, computational, or theoretical research. Advanced technical report writing. Limited to 6 units total.nn (Staff)
ME 361 Turbulence The nature of turbulent flows, statistical and spectral description of turbulence, coherent structures, spatial and temporal scales of turbulent flows. Averaging, two-point correlations and governing...
ENERGY 360 Advanced Research Work in Energy Resources Engineering Graduate-level work in experimental, computational, or theoretical research. Special research not included in graduate degree program. May be repeated for credit.
CHEMENG 35N Renewable Energy for a Sustainable World Preference to freshmen. Organized to prepare a renewable energy plan for California. Energy concepts and quantitation approaches are learned, energy needs and natural resources are assessed, and... GER:DB-EngrAppSci
ENERGY 359 Teaching Experience in Energy Resources Engineering For TAs in Energy Resources Engineering. Course and lecture design and preparation; lecturing practice in small groups. Classroom teaching practice in an Energy Resources Engineering course for which...
STRAMGT 356 The Startup Garage: Design Startup Garage is an intensive hands-on, project-based course, in which students will apply the concepts of design thinking, engineering, finance, business and organizational skills to design and...
ENERGY 355 Doctoral Report on Energy Industry Training On-the-job training for doctoral students under the guidance of on-site supervisors. Students submit a report on work activities, problems, assignments, and results. May be repeated for credit....
ME 352C Convective Heat Transfer Prediction of heat and mass transfer rates based on analytical and numerical solutions of the governing partial differential equations. Heat transfer in fully developed pipe and channel flow, pipe...
ME 352B Fundamentals of Heat Conduction Physical description of heat conduction in solids, liquids, and gases. The heat diffusion equation and its solution using analytical and numerical techniques. Data and microscopic models for the...
ME 352A Radiative Heat Transfer The fundamentals of thermal radiation heat transfer; blackbody radiation laws; radiative properties of non-black surfaces; analysis of radiative exchange between surfaces and in enclosures; combined...
ME 346C Advanced Techniques for Molecular Simulations Advanced methods for computer simulations of solids and molecules. Methods for long-range force calculation, including Ewald methods and fast multipole method. Methods for free energy calculation,...
BIO 33N Conservation Science and Practice Preference to freshmen. This course will explore the potential for harmonizing people and nature, for achieving improved outcomes in the well-being of both as a result of conservation investments and... GER: DB-NatSci, WAY-SMA
COMM 339 Questionnaire Design for Surveys and Laboratory Experiments: Social and Cognitive Perspectives (POLISCI 421K, PSYCH 231) The social and psychological processes involved in asking and answering questions via questionnaires for the social sciences; optimizing questionnaire design; open versus closed questions; rating...
LAW 338 Land Use This course focuses on the pragmatic (rather than theoretical) aspects of contemporary land use law and policy, including: nuisance as a land use tool and foundation for modern land use law; use and...
GSBGEN 336 Energy Markets and Policy Transforming the global energy system to reduce climate change impacts, ensure security of supply, and foster economic development of the world's poorest regions depends on the ability of commercial...
POLISCI 336 Introduction to Global Justice (ETHICSOC 136R, INTNLREL 136R, PHIL 76, POLISCI 136R) This course provides an overview of core ethical problems in international politics, with special emphasis on the question of what demands justice imposes on institutions and agents acting in a...
GSBGEN 335 Clean Energy Project Development and Finance This case study-oriented course will focus on the critical skills needed to evaluate, develop, finance (on a non-recourse basis), and complete standalone energy and infrastructure projects. The...
OIT 334 Design for Extreme Affordability This course is a Bass Seminar. Project course jointly offered by School of Engineering and Graduate School of Business. Students apply engineering and business skills to design product or service...
OIT 333 Design for Extreme Affordability This course is a Bass Seminar. Project course jointly offered by School of Engineering and Graduate School of Business. Students apply engineering and business skills to design product or service...
GSBGEN 332 Sustainable Energy: Business Opportunities and Public Policy This course examines trends and opportunities in the sustainable energy sector with a particular focus on low carbon energy. We examine these trends in the context of technological change, emerging...
ENVRES 330 Research Approaches for Environmental Problem Solving Required core course for first year E-IPER Ph.D. students. How to develop and implement interdisciplinary research in environment and resources. Assignments include development of research questions...
MATSCI 316 Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology This course covers important aspects of nanotechnology in nanomaterials synthesis and fabrication, novel property at the nanoscale, tools and applications: a variety of nanostructures including...
MATSCI 303 Principles, Materials and Devices of Batteries Thermodynamics and electrochemistry for batteries. Emphasis on lithium ion batteries, but also different types including lead acid, nickel metal hydride, metal air, sodium sulfur and redox flow....
MATSCI 302 Solar Cells This course takes a comprehensive view of solar cells and what will need to be done to enable them to substantially change how the world obtains its electricity. After covering the fundamentals (...
CEE 301 The Energy Seminar (ENERGY 301, MS&E 494) Interdisciplinary exploration of current energy challenges and opportunities, with talks by faculty, visitors, and students. May be repeated for credit.
ENERGY 301 The Energy Seminar (CEE 301, MS&E 494) Interdisciplinary exploration of current energy challenges and opportunities, with talks by faculty, visitors, and students. May be repeated for credit.
ENERGY 300 Graduate Directed Reading Independent studies under the direction of a faculty member for which academic credit may properly be allowed.
ENGR 30 Engineering Thermodynamics The basic principles of thermodynamics are introduced in this course. Concepts of energy and entropy from elementary considerations of the microscopic nature of matter are discussed. The principles... GER:DB-EngrAppSci, WAY-AQR, WAY-SMA
PWR 2KM Writing & Rhetoric 2: Everyone Has a "Climate Thing": The Discourse of Sustainable Energy Prerequisite: PWR 1. Further work in developing skills in argument and research-based writing, with emphasis on both written and oral/multimedia presentation of research. Focus on the rhetoric and... Writing 2
CHEMENG 296 Creating New Ventures in Engineering and Science-based Industries (CHEM 196, CHEM 296, CHEMENG 196) Open to seniors and graduate students interested in the creation of new ventures and entrepreneurship in engineering and science intensive industries such as chemical, energy, materials,...
ENERGY 295 Quantitative environmental assessment of energy systems Graduate seminar on quantitative environmental assessment of energy technologies. Assessment methods for analyzing multi-device and multi-technology energy systems (e.g., full energy production...
MSE 295 Energy Policy Analysis Design and application of formal analytical methods for policy and technology assessments of energy efficiency and renewable energy options. Emphasis is on integrated use of modeling tools from...
MSE 294 Climate Policy Analysis Design and application of formal analytical methods in climate policy development. Issues include instrument design, technology development, resource management, multiparty negotiation, and dealing...
PUBLPOL 294 Technology Policy (PUBLPOL 194) How the U.S. federal government promotes, uses, and regulates new technologies; tensions between representative governance and the need for elite expertise in policymaking; contemporary debates over...
ENERGY 293C Energy from Wind and Water Currents This course focuses on the extraction of energy from wind, waves and tides.nThe emphasis in the course is technical leading to a solid understanding ofnestablished extraction systems and discussion...
EE 293B Fundamentals of Energy Processes (ENERGY 293B) For seniors and graduate students. Covers scientific and engineering fundamentals of renewable energy processes involving heat. Thermodynamics, heat engines, solar thermal, geothermal, biomass....
ENERGY 293B Fundamentals of Energy Processes (EE 293B) For seniors and graduate students. Covers scientific and engineering fundamentals of renewable energy processes involving heat. Thermodynamics, heat engines, solar thermal, geothermal, biomass....
EE 293A Solar Cells, Fuel Cells, and Batteries: Materials for the Energy Solution (ENERGY 293A, MATSCI 156, MATSCI 256) Operating principles and applications of emerging technological solutions to the energy demands of the world. The scale of global energy usage and requirements for possible solutions. Basic physics...
ENERGY 293A Solar Cells, Fuel Cells, and Batteries: Materials for the Energy Solution (EE 293A, MATSCI 156, MATSCI 256) Operating principles and applications of emerging technological solutions to the energy demands of the world. The scale of global energy usage and requirements for possible solutions. Basic physics...
EE 292K Intelligent Energy Projects Energy systems must have the intelligence to cope with rapid changes in energy supply, demand, distribution, and storage. This course is a project course focusing on a selected areas of intelligent...
ENERGY 291 Optimization of Energy Systems (ENERGY 191) Introductory mathematical programming and optimization using examples from energy industries. Emphasis on problem formulation and solving, secondary coverage of algorithms. Problem topics include...
ENERGY 290 Numerical Modeling of Fluid Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media How to mathematically model and solve elliptic partial differential equations with variable and discontinuous coefficients describing flow in highly heterogeneous porous media. Topics include finite...
OSPSANTG 29 Sustainable Cities: Comparative Transportation Systems in Latin America Energy and environmental challenges resulting from the growing size and complexity in Latin American cities. Key issues: way in which public authorities deal with the dynamics of urban growth and...
EARTHSYS 288 Social and Environmental Tradeoffs in Climate Decision-Making (EARTHSYS 188) How can we ensure that measures taken to mitigate global climate change don¿t create larger social and environmental problems? What metrics should be used to compare potential climate...
ENERGY 285S Smart Fields Research Seminar: Horizontal Well Technology Study in research areas within the department. Graduate students may participate in advanced work in areas of particular interest prior to making a final decision on a thesis subject. Current...
ENERGY 285G Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Research Seminar Study in research areas within the department. Graduate students may participate in advanced work in areas of particular interest prior to making a final decision on a thesis subject. Current...
ENERGY 285F SCRF Research Seminar: Geostatistics and Reservoir Forecasting Study in research areas within the department. Graduate students may participate in advanced work in areas of particular interest prior to making a final decision on a thesis subject. Current...
ENERGY 285D SUPRI-D Research Seminar: Well Test Analysis Study in research areas within the department. Graduate students may participate in advanced work in areas of particular interest prior to making a final decision on a thesis subject. Current...
ENERGY 285C SUPRI-C Research Seminar: Gas Injection Processes Study in research areas within the department. Graduate students may participate in advanced work in areas of particular interest prior to making a final decision on a thesis subject. Current...
ENERGY 285B SUPRI-B Research Seminar: Reservoir Simulation Focused study in research areas within the department. Graduate students may participate in advanced work in areas of particular interest prior to making a final decision on a thesis subject. Current...
ENERGY 285A SUPRI-A Research Seminar: Enhanced Oil Recovery Focused study in research areas within the department. Graduate students may participate in advanced work in areas of particular interest prior to making a final decision on a thesis subject. Current...
ENERGY 284 Optimization and Inverse Modeling Treatment of deterministic and stochastic optimization, gradient-based optimization, polytopy method, generalized least squares, non-linear least squares and confidence intervals by numerical methods...
ENERGY 281 Applied Mathematics in Reservoir Engineering The philosophy of the solution of engineering problems. Methods of solution of partial differential equations: Laplace transforms, Fourier transforms, wavelet transforms, Green¿s functions,...
ENERGY 280 Oil and Gas Production Engineering (ENERGY 180) Design and analysis of production systems for oil and gas reservoirs. Topics: well completion, single-phase and multi-phase flow in wells and gathering systems, artificial lift and field processing,...
AA 280 Smart Structures Mechanics of smart materials and current approaches for engineering smart structures to monitor health, self heal, and adapt to environment. Definition of smart structures; constitutive models for...
CEE 279X Sustainable Urban System Seminar (CEE 179X) SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS: Cities are based on several different systems; infrastructures, networks and environments. The effectiveness and efficiency of these systems determine how cities work and how...
ETHICSOC 278M Introduction to Environmental Ethics (ETHICSOC 178M, PHIL 178M, PHIL 278M, POLISCI 134L) How should human beings relate to the natural world? Do we have moral obligations toward non-human animals and other parts of nature? And what do we owe to other human beings, including future...
PHIL 278M Introduction to Environmental Ethics (ETHICSOC 178M, ETHICSOC 278M, PHIL 178M, POLISCI 134L) How should human beings relate to the natural world? Do we have moral obligations toward non-human animals and other parts of nature? And what do we owe to other human beings, including future...
CEE 278C Indoor Air Quality (CEE 172A) Factors affecting the levels of air pollutants in the built indoor environment. The influence of ventilation, office equipment, floor coverings, furnishings, cleaning practices, and human activities...
CEE 278A Air Pollution Fundamentals The sources and health effects of gaseous and particulate air pollutants. The influence of meteorology on pollution: temperature profiles, stability classes, inversion layers, turbulence. Atmospheric...
CEE 277S Design for a Sustainable World (CEE 177S) Technology-based problems faced by developing communities worldwide. Student groups partner with organizations abroad to work on concept, feasibility, design, implementation, and evaluation phases of...
CEE 277L Smart Cities & Communities (CEE 177L) The role of information technology (IT) in enabling mankind to improve the operations and sustainability of cities and communities. Review of what a "smarter" city of community might be,...
CEE 276C Energy Storage Integration - Vehicles, Renewables, and the Grid (CEE 176C) This course will provide in-depth introduction to existing energy storage solutions being used on the electric grid and in vehicles with a primary focus on batteries and electrochemical storage. We...
CEE 275B Process Design for Environmental Biotechnology Use of microbial bioreactors for degradation of contaminants and recovery of clean water, clean energy and/or green materials. Student teams design, operate, and analyze bioreactors and learn to...
CEE 275A California Coast: Science, Policy, and Law (CEE 175A, EARTHSYS 175, EARTHSYS 275, PUBLPOL 175, PUBLPOL 275) This interdisciplinary course integrates the legal, scientific, and policy dimensions of how we characterize and manage resource use and allocation along the California coast. We will use this...
EARTHSYS 275 California Coast: Science, Policy, and Law (CEE 175A, CEE 275A, EARTHSYS 175, PUBLPOL 175, PUBLPOL 275) This interdisciplinary course integrates the legal, scientific, and policy dimensions of how we characterize and manage resource use and allocation along the California coast. We will use this...
ENVRES 275 The Practice of Mining and Its Social and Environmental Context Seminar focused on one of the world's oldest industries: mining. Mining is a major industrial process that underpins the provision of many of the resources that we use in our daily lives; it is also...
ENERGY 275 Quantitative Methods in Basin and Petroleum System Modeling (GS 256) Examine the physical processes operating in sedimentary basins by deriving the basic equations of fundamental, coupled geologic processes such as fluid flow and heat flow, deposition, compaction,...
CEE 274B Microbial Bioenergy Systems (CHEMENG 456) Introduction to microbial metabolic pathways and to the pathway logic with a special focus on microbial bioenergy systems. The first part of the course emphasizes the metabolic and biochemical...
CEE 274A Environmental Microbiology I (CHEMENG 174, CHEMENG 274) Basics of microbiology and biochemistry. The biochemical and biophysical principles of biochemical reactions, energetics, and mechanisms of energy conservation. Diversity of microbial catabolism,...
CHEMENG 274 Environmental Microbiology I (CEE 274A, CHEMENG 174) Basics of microbiology and biochemistry. The biochemical and biophysical principles of biochemical reactions, energetics, and mechanisms of energy conservation. Diversity of microbial catabolism,...
CEE 273C Environmental Engineering Applications of Membrane Technology Introduction to membrane technology and processes with applications in R&D, water/wastewater treatment, and renewable energy. Membrane separation principles, reverse osmosis, nanofiltration,...
APPPHYS 273 Solid State Physics II Introduction to the many-body aspects of crystalline solids. Second quantization of phonons, anharmonic effects, polaritons, and scattering theory. Second quantization of Fermi fields. Electrons in...
ENERGY 273 Special Topics in Energy Resources Engineering
CEE 272S Green House Gas Mitigation (CEE 172S) This course will introduce the main concepts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions measurement and management, and it will explore the main mitigation options for reducing emissions or sequestering...