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Stanford offers over 300 energy courses. Link below to current listings.

We hope to see you at the weekly cross-campus Energy Seminar on Mondays during the academic year at 4:30-5:20pm in NVIDIA Auditorium. Students may take the Energy Seminar for credit or drop in for talks of interest.

Incoming graduate and professional school students may enroll in a week-long energy course Energy@Stanford&SLAC, that runs September 8-11, 2015.

For lifelong learners, the Stanford Center for Professional Development offers an Energy Innovation and Emerging Technologies Certificate.

If you notice any omissions or inaccuracies in the listing please email: Thank you.

2015 - 2016 Academic Year

Department Course Codesort icon Course Title Description General Education Requirement(s)
CEE 207A Understanding Energy (CEE 107A, EARTHSYS 103) Energy is one of the world's main drivers of opportunity and development for human beings. At the same time, our energy system has significant consequences for our society, political system, economy...
MATSCI 209 Electronic and Optical Properties of Solids (MATSCI 199) The concepts of electronic energy bands and transports applied to metals, semiconductors, and insulators. The behavior of electronic and optical devices including p-n junctions, MOS-capacitors,...
ENERGY 212 Advanced Programming for Scientists and Engineers (CME 212) Advanced topics in software development, debugging, and performance optimization are covered. The capabilities and usage of common libraries and frameworks such as BLAS, LAPACK, FFT, PETSc, and MKL/...
ENGR 213 Solar Decathlon Open to all engineering majors. Project studio for all work related to the Solar Decathlon 2013 competition. Each student will develop a personal work plan for the quarter with his or her advisor and...
POLISCI 215F Nuclear Weapons and International Politics (POLISCI 315F) Why do states develop nuclear weapons and why do some states, that have the technological capacity to build nuclear weapons, refrain from doing so? What are the strategic consequences of new states... WAY-SI
ME 216A Advanced Product Design: Needfinding Human needs that lead to the conceptualization of future products, environments, systems, and services. Field work in public and private settings; appraisal of personal values; readings on social...
CEE 217 Renewable Energy Infrastructure Construction of renewable energy infrastructure: geothermal, solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, wind, biomass. Construction and engineering challenges and related issues and drivers for performance,...
APPPHYS 219 Solid State Physics Problems in Energy Technology Technology issues for a secure energy future; role of solid state physics in energy technologies. Topics include the physics principles behind future technologies related to solar energy and solar...
ESS 219 Climate Variability during the Holocene: Understanding what is Natural Climate Change Many elements of the debate about attribution of modern climate change to man-made influences hinge on understanding the past history of climate as well as forcing functions such as solar output,...
LAW 220 Regulatory Economics Law 220 examines public policies for dealing with problems arising in markets in which competitive forces are weak. The focus is on monopolies, oligopolies, cartels, and other environments where...
PHYSICS 220 Classical Electrodynamics Special relativity: The principles of relativity, Lorentz transformations, four vectors and tensors, relativistic mechanics and the principle of least action. Lagrangian formulation, charges in...
ENERGY 221 Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow (ENERGY 121) Multiphase flow in porous media. Wettability, capillary pressure, imbibition and drainage, Leverett J-function, transition zone, vertical equilibrium. Relative permeabilities, Darcy's law for...
ME 221 Green Design Strategies and Metrics Foundation in sustainable product design principles, reinforced by conceptual design projects. Discuss what aspects of sustainability matter most for different products. Application of dozens of...
CEE 221A Planning Tools and Methods in the Power Sector This course covers the planning methods most commonly used in the power sector today. It covers both the fundamental methods used and their applications to electricity generation, transmission and...
ENERGY 222 Advanced Reservoir Engineering Lectures, problems. General flow equations, tensor permeabilities, steady state radial flow, skin, and succession of steady states. Injectivity during fill-up of a depleted reservoir, injectivity for...
GEOPHYS 222 Reflection Seismology (GEOPHYS 182) The principles of seismic reflection profiling, focusing on methods of seismic data acquisition and seismic data processing for hydrocarbon exploration.
ENERGY 223 Reservoir Simulation Fundamentals of petroleum reservoir simulation. Equations for multicomponent, multiphase flow between gridblocks comprising a petroleum reservoir. Relationships between black-oil and compositional...
GEOPHYS 223 Reflection Seismology Interpretation (GEOPHYS 183, GS 223) The structural and stratigraphic interpretation of seismic reflection data, emphasizing hydrocarbon traps in two and three dimensions on industry data, including workstation-based interpretation....
ENERGY 224 Advanced Reservoir Simulation Topics include modeling of complex wells, coupling of surface facilities, compositional modeling, dual porosity models, treatment of full tensor permeability and grid nonorthogonality, local grid...
GEOPHYS 224 Seismic Reflection Processing Workshop in computer processing of 2D and 3D seismic reflection data. Students individually process a seismic reflection profile (of their own choice or instructor-provided) from field recordings to...
CEE 224A Sustainable Development Studio (Undergraduates, see 124.) Project-based. Sustainable design, development, use and evolution of buildings; connections of building systems to broader resource systems. Areas include architecture,...
CEE 224X Global Urban Development Program A year-long Project-Based Learning course on sustainable urban systems, in collaboration with Sechuan University, Chengdu, China. Students will form multidisciplinary teams of 8-10 and be assigned to...
CEE 224Y Sustainable Systems Project: San Jose Sustainable Urban Systems Project: San Jose is a selective opportunity to engage in a unique, real-world learning experience being piloted for a new Sustainable Urban Systems initiative within the...
CEE 224Z Sustainable Urban Systems Project: San Jose Sustainable Urban Systems Project:  San Jose is a selective opportunity to engage in a unique, real-world learning experience being piloted for a new Sustainable Urban Systems initiative within...
ENERGY 225 Theory of Gas Injection Processes Lectures, problems. Theory of multicomponent, multiphase flow in porous media. Miscible displacement: diffusion and dispersion, convection-dispersion equations and its solutions. Method of...
CEE 225 Defining Smart Cities: Visions of Urbanism for the 21st Century (CEE 125, URBANST 174) In a rapidly urbanizing world, "the city" paves the way toward sustainability and social well-being. But what does it mean for a city to be smart? Does that also make it sustainable or...
CEE 226 Life Cycle Assessment for Complex Systems Life cycle modeling of products, industrial processes, and infrastructure/building systems; material and energy balances for large interdependent systems; environmental accounting; and life cycle...
ENERGY 226 Thermal Recovery Methods Theory and practice of thermal recovery methods: steam drive, cyclic steam injections, and in situ combustion. Models of combined mass and energy transport. Estimates of heated reservoir volume and...
CEE 226E Advanced Topics in Integrated, Energy-Efficient Building Design Innovative methods and systems for the integrated design and evaluation of energy efficient buildings. Guest practitioners and researchers in energy efficient buildings. Student initiated final...
ENERGY 227 Enhanced Oil Recovery The physics, theories, and methods of evaluating chemical, miscible, and thermal enhanced oil recovery projects. Existing methods and screening techniques, and analytical and simulation based means...
ME 227 Vehicle Dynamics and Control The application of dynamics, kinematics, and control theory to the analysis and design of ground vehicle behavior. Simplified models of ride, handling, and braking, their role in developing intuition...
EE 228 Basic Physics for Solid State Electronics Topics: energy band theory of solids, energy bandgap engineering, classical kinetic theory, statistical mechanics, and equilibrium and non-equilibrium semiconductor statistics. Prerequisite: course...
CEE 229S Climate Change Adaptation in the Coastal Built Environment (CEE 129S) How will climate change impact coastal ports and harbors around the world? Leading experts discuss the latest science, policy, and engineering research on this important issue, including the...
ENERGY 230 Advanced Topics in Well Logging State of the art tools and analyses; the technology, rock physical basis, and applications of each measurement. Hands-on computer-based analyses illustrate instructional material. Guest speakers on...
ENGR 231 Transformative Design Too many alums are doing what they've always been told they're good at, and are living with regret and a sense that they're just resigned to doing this thing for the rest of their lives. Capabilities...
PSYCH 231 Questionnaire Design for Surveys and Laboratory Experiments: Social and Cognitive Perspectives (COMM 339, POLISCI 421K) The social and psychological processes involved in asking and answering questions via questionnaires for the social sciences; optimizing questionnaire design; open versus closed questions; rating...
ME 236 Tales to Design Cars By Students learn to tell personal narratives and make connections between popular and historic media using the automobile. Explores the meaning and impact of personal and preserved car histories....
EE 237 Solar Energy Conversion Basics of solar energy conversion in photovoltaic devices. Solar cell device physics: electrical and optical. Crystalline silicon, thin film and multi-junction solar cells. Solar system issues...
LAW 238 Administrative Law Administrative agencies interpret statutes, promulgate regulations, and adjudicate disputes, thereby affecting vast areas of life -- from employment to food and drug safety, from the environment to...
ENERGY 24 Making Molehills out of Mountains: Energy and Development in Appalachia Preparation for Alternative Spring Break trip to examine the past, present, and future role of energy in Appalachia. Positive and negative impacts of energy production; meetings with energy industry...
CHEMENG 240 Micro and Nanoscale Fabrication Engineering (CHEMENG 140) (Same as CHEMENG 140) Survey of fabrication and processing technologies in industrial sectors, such as semiconductor, biotechnology, and energy. Chemistry and transport of electronic and energy...
ENERGY 240 Geostatistics (GS 240) Geostatistical theory and practical methodologies for quantifying and simulating spatial and spatio-temporal patterns for the Earth Sciences. Real case development of models of spatial continuity,...
PHYSICS 240 Introduction to the Physics of Energy Energy as a consumable. Forms and interconvertability. World Joule budget. Equivalents in rivers, oil pipelines and nuclear weapons. Quantum mechanics of fire, batteries and fuel cells....
ENERGY 241 Seismic Reservoir Characterization (ENERGY 141, GEOPHYS 241A) (Same as GP241) Practical methods for quantitative characterization and uncertainty assessment of subsurface reservoir models integrating well-log and seismic data. Multidisciplinary combination of...
PHYSICS 241 Introduction to Nuclear Energy Radioactivity. Elementary nuclear processes. Energetics of fission and fusion. Cross-sections and resonances. Fissionable and fertile isotopes. Neutron budgets. Light water, heavy water and graphite...
MSE 241 Economic Analysis Principal methods of economic analysis of the production activities of firms, including production technologies, cost and profit, and perfect and imperfect competition; individual choice, including...
CEE 241A Infrastructure Project Development (CEE 141A) Infrastructure is critical to the economy, global competitiveness and quality of life. Topics include energy, transportation, water, public facilities, and communications sectors. Analysis of the...
GEOPHYS 241A Seismic Reservoir Characterization (ENERGY 141, ENERGY 241) (Same as GP241) Practical methods for quantitative characterization and uncertainty assessment of subsurface reservoir models integrating well-log and seismic data. Multidisciplinary combination of...
CEE 241B Infrastructure Project Delivery (CEE 141B) Infrastructure is critical to the economy, global competitiveness and quality of life. Topics include energy, transportation, water, public facilities ,and communications sectors. Analysis of how...
CEE 241C Global Infrastructure Projects Seminar (CEE 141C) Real infrastructure projects presented by industry guest speakers. Energy, transportation, water, public facilities and communications projects are featured. Course provides comparisons of project...
AA 241X Design, Construction, and Testing of Autonomous Aircraft Students grouped according to their expertise to carry out the multidisciplinary design of a solar-powered autonomous aircraft that must meet a clearly stated set of design requirements. Design and...
ENERGY 242 Topics in Advanced Geostatistics (ESS 263) Conditional expectation theory and projections in Hilbert spaces; parametric versus non-parametric geostatistics; Boolean, Gaussian, fractal, indicator, and annealing approaches to stochastic imaging...
MSE 243 Energy and Environmental Policy Analysis Concepts, methods, and applications. Energy/environmental policy issues such as automobile fuel economy regulation, global climate change, research and development policy, and environmental benefit...
ENERGY 246 Reservoir Characterization and Flow Modeling with Outcrop Data (ENERGY 146, GS 246) Project addressing a reservoir management problem by studying an outcrop analog, constructing geostatistical reservoir models, and performing flow simulation. How to use outcrop observations in...
GS 246 Reservoir Characterization and Flow Modeling with Outcrop Data (ENERGY 146, ENERGY 246) Project addressing a reservoir management problem by studying an outcrop analog, constructing geostatistical reservoir models, and performing flow simulation. How to use outcrop observations in...
EARTHSYS 246A Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics: The Atmospheric Circulation (EARTHSYS 146A, ESS 146A, ESS 246A, GEOPHYS 146A, GEOPHYS 246A) Introduction to the physics governing the circulation of the atmosphere and ocean and their control on climate with emphasis on the atmospheric circulation. Topics include the global energy balance,...
GEOPHYS 246A Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics: The Atmospheric Circulation (EARTHSYS 146A, EARTHSYS 246A, ESS 146A, ESS 246A, GEOPHYS 146A) Introduction to the physics governing the circulation of the atmosphere and ocean and their control on climate with emphasis on the atmospheric circulation. Topics include the global energy balance,...
ESS 246A Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics: The Atmospheric Circulation (EARTHSYS 146A, EARTHSYS 246A, ESS 146A, GEOPHYS 146A, GEOPHYS 246A) Introduction to the physics governing the circulation of the atmosphere and ocean and their control on climate with emphasis on the atmospheric circulation. Topics include the global energy balance,...
ENERGY 247 Stochastic Simulation Characterization and inference of statistical properties of spatial random function models; how they average over volumes, expected fluctuations, and implementation issues. Models include point...
PHYSICS 25 Modern Physics How do the discoveries since the dawn of the 20th century impact our understanding of 21st-century physics? This course introduces the foundations of modern physics: Einstein's theory of special... GER: DB-NatSci, WAY-SMA
ECON 250 Environmental Economics Theoretical and empirical analysis of sources of and solutions to environmental problems, with application to local pollution challenges and global environmental issues such as climate change. Topics...
ME 250 Internal Combustion Engines Internal combustion engines including conventional and turbocharged spark ignition, and diesel engines. Lectures: basic engine cycles, engine components, methods of analysis of engine performance,...
ECON 251 Natural Resource and Energy Economics Economic theory and empirical analysis of non-renewable and renewable natural resources, with considerable attention to energy provision and use. Topics include: exhaustible resources; renewable...
ENERGY 251 Thermodynamics of Equilibria Lectures, problems. The volumetric behavior of fluids at high pressure. Equation of state representation of volumetric behavior. Thermodynamic functions and conditions of equilibrium, Gibbs and...
ENERGY 252 Chemical Kinetics Modeling Fundamentals of chemical reaction kinetics in homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction systems from a molecular perspective. Development and application of the theory of chemical kinetics, including...
ENERGY 253 Carbon Capture and Sequestration (ENERGY 153) CO2 separation from syngas and flue gas for gasification and combustion processes. Transportation of CO2 in pipelines and sequestration in deep underground geological formations. Pipeline...
GS 253 Petroleum Geology and Exploration The origin and occurrence of hydrocarbons. Topics: thermal maturation history in hydrocarbon generation, significance of sedimentary and tectonic structural setting, principles of accumulation, and...
ENERGY 255 Master's Report on Energy Industry Training On-the-job training for master's degree students under the guidance of on-site supervisors. Students submit a report detailing work activities, problems, assignments, and key results. May be repeated...
GEOPHYS 255 Report on Energy Industry Training On-the-job-training for master's and doctoral degree students under the guidance of on-site supervisors. Students submit a report detailing work activities, problems, assignment, and key results. May...
EE 255 Green Electronics (EE 155) Many green technologies including hybrid cars, photovoltaic energy systems, efficient power supplies, and energy-conserving control systems have at their heart intelligent, high-power electronics....
CEE 256 Building Systems (CEE 156) HVAC, lighting, and envelope systems for commercial and institutional buildings, with a focus on energy efficient design. Knowledge and skills required in the development of low-energy buildings that...
MATSCI 256 Solar Cells, Fuel Cells, and Batteries: Materials for the Energy Solution (EE 293A, ENERGY 293A, MATSCI 156) Operating principles and applications of emerging technological solutions to the energy demands of the world. The scale of global energy usage and requirements for possible solutions. Basic physics...
ENERGY 256 Electronic Structure Theory and Applications to Chemical Kinetics (CHEMENG 444) Fundamentals of electronic structure theory as it applies to chemical reaction kinetics in homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction systems. Development and application of the theory of chemical...
OIT 258 Incentive Mechanisms for Societal Networks In many of the challenges faced by the modern world, from overcrowded road networks to overstretched healthcare systems, large benefits for society come about from small changes by very many...
EARTHSYS 258 Geomicrobiology (EARTHSYS 158, ESS 158, ESS 258) How microorganisms shape the geochemistry of the Earth's crust including oceans, lakes, estuaries, subsurface environments, sediments, soils, mineral deposits, and rocks. Topics include mineral...