Climate Change
Adaptation Tools for Public Officials
Key Points
- Many tools, guidebooks, and other resources are available to assist public officials and others as they plan for climate change in their communities and organizations.
A number of resources exist to help public officials and others with climate change adaptation planning. The tools, guidebooks, clearinghouses and other resources highlighted on this page offer a sampling of what is available from states, federal agencies, nonprofit and private organizations, and others.
Both the examples and links are intended to be illustrative, not comprehensive. Other tools and resources, as well as links to adaptation plans by different levels of government, can be found on the regional and sectoral adaptation pages.
Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE).
Offers a virtual library of guidebooks, adaptation plans and case studies, including a map search feature. The site also hosts a directory of organizations and climate change professionals, and climate change tools.
Georgetown Climate Center – Adaptation Clearinghouse.
Features a directory of resources and groups to help with adaptation planning.
Sector-Specific Tools and Resources
EPA – Climate Ready Estuaries Coastal Toolkit. Includes links to publications and resources useful for vulnerability assessments and for developing adaptation plans.
EPA – Climate Ready Water Utilities Toolbox. Provides a database of adaptation-related materials including programs, models, strategies, publications and grants.
CDC – Climate and Health Program. Offers resources for public health practitioners.
NOAA – Coastal Climate Adaptation Website. Includes directories of adaptation plans, case studies and guidebooks for coastal adaptation.
NOAA – Coastal Inundation Toolkit. Helps users identify and visualize inundation risks.
StormSmart Coasts.
Serves as a resource for coastal planners in select states.
United Nations Development Programme – Private Sector Initiative.
Provides a collection of private sector adaptation efforts from around the world.
- US Forest Service – Climate Change Resource Center. Offers information for forest managers on climate change adaptation.
Region-Specific Tools and Resources
- Regional Climate Scenarios and Projections of Sea Level Rise. Materials from a January 2013 webcast, including a complete transcript, podcasts of the presentations, and PowerPoint slides.
- Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program – Adapting to Climate Change in Coastal Alaska. Includes fact sheets and tools for adaptation planning in coastal Alaska.
University of Alaska Fairbanks – Alaska Center for Climate Action and Policy.
Provides information and resources for both the public and private sector on a variety of climate change topics.
Washington State – Clearinghouse: Impacts, Preparation, Adaptation Resources.
Includes resources for managers in numerous sectors, with a focus on the Pacific Northwest.
EPA – Adaptation Strategies Guide for Water Utilities
. Walks the reader through an exploration of regional climate impacts information, the challenges water utilities may expect, and adaptation options that can be used to address each climate challenge.
EPA – California Dept. of Water Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Climate Change Handbook for Regional Water Planning
. Includes tools and techniques for integrating climate change projections and uncertainty into water resources management and planning.
EPA – Excessive Heat Events Guidebook
. Highlights the best practices that have been employed to save lives during excessive heat events in different urban areas and provides a menu of options that officials can use to respond to these events in their communities.
American Public Health Association – Climate Change: Mastering the Public Health Role (PDF). Discusses climate change impacts on public health, and provides public health practitioners an introduction to adaptation steps.
ICLEI – Preparing for Climate Change
Designed to help local, regional and state governments prepare for climate change, from assessing vulnerability and risk through implementation.
Institute for Sustainable Communities – Promising Practices in Adaptation & Resilience (PDF).
Provides case studies and advice for adaptation planning, including a large list of resources for local planners.
National Wildlife Federation – Restoring the Great Lakes’ Coastal Future
Offers guidance for incorporating climate change into the design of restoration projects for the freshwater coasts of the Great Lakes.
Wildlife Conservation Society – Climate change planning for the Great Plains (PDF).
Provides a wildlife vulnerability assessment along with recommendations for land and grazing management in the Great Plains.