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Roland Greene (Professor)

Roland Greene (650) 725-1214
Personal bio
At Stanford since 2001, Roland Greene is the Mark Pigott KBE Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences. He is appointed in the Departments of English and Comparative Literature. Greene gives a range of graduate and undergraduate courses on early modern literature, poetry and poetics, the literature of the Americas, and other topics connected to his research. He will take a sabbatical in 2013-14.

Currently teaching
COMPLIT 233: Baroque and Neobaroque (Winter)
DLCL 223: Renaissances (Autumn, Winter, Spring)
DLCL 224: Workshop in Poetics (Autumn, Winter, Spring)
ENGLISH 10B: Introduction to English I: Poetics and Politics in Medieval and Renaissance Literature (Spring)
ENGLISH 233: Baroque and Neobaroque (Winter)
ENGLISH 366G: Poetics Now and Then (Spring)
ENGLISH 8SI: Practical Criticism (Spring)
ILAC 293E: Baroque and Neobaroque (Winter)
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