CEE 171: Environmental Planning Methods
For juniors and seniors. Use of microeconomics and mathematical optimization theory in the design of environmental regulatory programs; tradeoffs between equity and efficiency in designing regulations; techniques for predicting adverse effects in environmental impact assessments; information disclosure requirements; and voluntary compliance of firms with international regulating norms. Prerequisites:
MATH 51. Recommended: 70.
Terms: Win
Units: 3
UG Reqs: GER:DB-EngrAppSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Ortolano, L. (PI)
CEE 171E: Environmental Challenges and Policies in Europe (CEE 271E)
Current and future environmental challenges in Europe and related public policies in the European Union (EU). State of the European environment and human development, European environmental policy-making (multi-level ecological governance), global ecological role of the EU. Specific challenges include climate change adaptation, mitigation (carbon taxes, carbon market), climate change and European cities, biodiversity and ecosystems preservation (economics of biodiversity), energy management. Specific policies include environmental justice (environmental inequalities), human development and environmental sustainability indicators (beyond GDP) and absolute and relative decoupling (carbon intensity and resource productivity improvement). Open to undergraduates (freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors) as
CEE 171E.
Terms: not given this year
Units: 3
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
CEE 171F: New Indicators of Well-Being and Sustainability (CEE 271F)
Explore new ways to better measure human development, comprehensive wealth and sustainability beyond standard economic indicators such as income and GDP. Examine how new indicators shape global, national and local policy worldwide. Well-being topics include health, happiness, trust, inequality and governance. Sustainability topics include sustainable development, environmental performance indicators, material flow analysis and decoupling, and inclusive wealth indicators. Students will build their own indicator of well-being and sustainability for a term paper.
Terms: Sum
Units: 3
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Laurent, E. (PI)
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