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1 - 1 of 1 results for: CME 108: Introduction to Scientific Computing

CME 108: Introduction to Scientific Computing

Numerical computation for mathematical, computational, physical sciences and engineering: error analysis, floating-point arithmetic, nonlinear equations, numerical solution of systems of algebraic equations, banded matrices, least squares, polynomial interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, truncation error, numerical stability for time dependent problems and stiffness. Prerequisites: CS 106A or familiarity with MATLAB; MATH 51, 52, 53; inappropriate for students who have taken CME 102,104/ ENGR 155A,B.
Terms: Spr, Sum | Units: 3-4 | UG Reqs: GER:DB-EngrAppSci, WAY-AQR, WAY-FR | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
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