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1 - 3 of 3 results for: Teaching of Civil and Environmental Engineering

CEE 200A: Teaching of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Required of CEE Ph.D. students. Strategies for effective teaching and introduction to engineering pedagogy. Topics: problem solving techniques and learning styles, individual and group instruction, the role of TAs, balancing other demands, grading. Teaching exercises. Register for quarter of teaching assistantship.nn 200A. Aut, 200B. Win, 200C. Spr
Terms: Aut | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Baker, J. (PI) ; Barton, J. (PI) ; Billington, S. (PI) ; Blake, C. (PI) ; Boehm, A. (PI) ; Borja, R. (PI) ; Clough, R. (PI) ; Cornell, C. (PI) ; Criddle, C. (PI) ; Davis, J. (PI) ; Deierlein, G. (PI) ; Fischer, M. (PI) ; Fong, D. (PI) ; Freyberg, D. (PI) ; Fringer, O. (PI) ; Fruchter, R. (PI) ; Haymaker, J. (PI) ; Hildemann, L. (PI) ; Jacobson, M. (PI) ; Katz, G. (PI) ; Kiremidjian, A. (PI) ; Kitanidis, P. (PI) ; Koseff, J. (PI) ; Krawinkler, H. (PI) ; Kunz, J. (PI) ; Law, K. (PI) ; Leckie, J. (PI) ; Lepech, M. (PI) ; Levitt, R. (PI) ; Luthy, R. (PI) ; Masters, G. (PI) ; Meehan, R. (PI) ; Miranda, E. (PI) ; Monismith, S. (PI) ; Orr, R. (PI) ; Ortolano, L. (PI) ; Rajagopal, R. (PI) ; Reinhard, M. (PI) ; Spormann, A. (PI) ; Tucker, A. (PI) ; Woodward, J. (PI)

CEE 200B: Teaching of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Required of CEE Ph.D. students. Strategies for effective teaching and introduction to engineering pedagogy. Topics: problem solving techniques and learning styles, individual and group instruction, the role of TAs, balancing other demands, grading. Teaching exercises. Register for quarter of teaching assistantship. May be repeated for credit. 200A. Aut, 200B. Win, 200C. Spr
Terms: Win | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Baker, J. (PI) ; Billington, S. (PI) ; Boehm, A. (PI) ; Borja, R. (PI) ; Chui, M. (PI) ; Clough, R. (PI) ; Criddle, C. (PI) ; Davis, J. (PI) ; Deierlein, G. (PI) ; Fischer, M. (PI) ; Freyberg, D. (PI) ; Fringer, O. (PI) ; Fruchter, R. (PI) ; Griggs, G. (PI) ; Haymaker, J. (PI) ; Hildemann, L. (PI) ; Jacobson, M. (PI) ; Katz, G. (PI) ; Kiremidjian, A. (PI) ; Kitanidis, P. (PI) ; Koseff, J. (PI) ; Krawinkler, H. (PI) ; Kunz, J. (PI) ; Law, K. (PI) ; Leckie, J. (PI) ; Lepech, M. (PI) ; Levitt, R. (PI) ; Luthy, R. (PI) ; Masters, G. (PI) ; McCarty, P. (PI) ; Miranda, E. (PI) ; Monismith, S. (PI) ; Ortolano, L. (PI) ; Rajagopal, R. (PI) ; Reinhard, M. (PI) ; Spormann, A. (PI) ; Tabazadeh, A. (PI)

CEE 200C: Teaching of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Required of CEE Ph.D. students. Strategies for effective teaching and introduction to engineering pedagogy. Topics: problem solving techniques and learning styles, individual and group instruction, the role of TAs, balancing other demands, grading. Teaching exercises. Register for quarter of teaching assistantship. May be repeated for credit. 200A. Aut, 200B. Win, 200C. Spr
Terms: Spr | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Baker, J. (PI) ; Billington, S. (PI) ; Boehm, A. (PI) ; Borja, R. (PI) ; Chui, M. (PI) ; Clough, R. (PI) ; Criddle, C. (PI) ; Davis, J. (PI) ; Deierlein, G. (PI) ; Fischer, M. (PI) ; Freyberg, D. (PI) ; Fringer, O. (PI) ; Haymaker, J. (PI) ; Hildemann, L. (PI) ; Jacobson, M. (PI) ; Kiremidjian, A. (PI) ; Kitanidis, P. (PI) ; Koseff, J. (PI) ; Krawinkler, H. (PI) ; Law, K. (PI) ; Leckie, J. (PI) ; Levitt, R. (PI) ; Luthy, R. (PI) ; Masters, G. (PI) ; Miranda, E. (PI) ; Monismith, S. (PI) ; Orr, R. (PI) ; Ortolano, L. (PI) ; Reinhard, M. (PI) ; Spormann, A. (PI) ; Tabazadeh, A. (PI) ; Vikesland, P. (PI)
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