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ANTHRO 126: Cities in Comparative Perspective (URBANST 114)

ANTHRO 138: Medical Ethics in Stratified World: Examining Race, Difference and Power in the Research Enterprise (ANTHRO 238, CSRE 138)

ANTHRO 147: Nature, Culture, Heritage (ANTHRO 247)

ANTHRO 148: Health, Politics, and Culture of Modern China (ANTHRO 248)

ANTHRO 149: South Asia: History, People, Politics (ANTHRO 249)

ANTHRO 183A: Border Crossings and American Identities (AMSTUD 183, CSRE 183)

ARCHLGY 102B: Incas and their Ancestors: Peruvian Archaeology (ANTHRO 106, ANTHRO 206A)

ASNAMST 59: Introduction to Asian American History (HISTORY 59)

ASNAMST 112: Public Archaeology: Market Street Chinatown Archaeology Project (ANTHRO 112, ANTHRO 212)

ASNAMST 144: Transforming Self and Systems: Crossing Borders of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Sexuality, and Class (CSRE 144)

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