BIO 131: Complex Systems Lab
Applications of complex systems will be explored in thisnseminar through lectures, discussions, and a class project. Lecture topicsninclude a discussion of chaos in weather modeling and aircraft turbulence,napplication of network science to understand Ebola and the ALS ice bucketnchallenge, and self-organized processes such as crowd dynamics andnWikipedia. The first half of the course will emphasize complex systemsnapplications. Students will apply complex systems analysis techniques tontheir personal research, a current event, or repeat a classic complexnsystems experiment. Projects can include topics such as calculating thenfractal dimension of a forest, simulating crowd dynamics, studying thendegree distribution of social networks, or making a Van der Pol oscillator.nGraduate student led seminar. Can be repeated for credit.
Terms: Win
Units: 1
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
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