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1 - 10 of 32 results for: MED 399: Graduate Research

ANES 399: Graduate Research

Students undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Problems related to metabolism, toxicity, and mechanisms of anesthesia; pharmacologic studies involving pain management; the genetic and molecular basis of hemodynamic insufficiency. Animal studies may be included. Interested students should contact Drs. Trudell, MacIver, Clark, Giffard, Patterson, Angelotti, Drover, Chu, or Angst.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Angelotti, T. (PI) ; Angst, M. (PI) ; Barr, J. (PI) ; Berhow, M. (PI) ; Bertaccini, E. (PI) ; Bhandari, R. (PI) ; Bohman, B. (PI) ; Boltz, M. (PI) ; Brock-Utne, J. (PI) ; Brodsky, J. (PI) ; Butwick, A. (PI) ; Carroll, I. (PI) ; Carvalho, B. (PI) ; Char, D. (PI) ; Chen, M. (PI) ; Cheung, A. (PI) ; Chu, L. (PI) ; Clark, D. (PI) ; Claure, R. (PI) ; Clements, F. (PI) ; Cohen, S. (PI) ; Collins, J. (PI) ; Cornaby, T. (PI) ; Darnall, B. (PI) ; Doufas, A. (PI) ; Drover, D. (PI) ; Fanning, R. (PI) ; Feaster, W. (PI) ; Fischer, S. (PI) ; Flood, P. (PI) ; Foppiano, L. (PI) ; Furukawa, L. (PI) ; Gaba, D. (PI) ; Giffard, R. (PI) ; Goldhaber-Fiebert, S. (PI) ; Golianu, B. (PI) ; Good, J. (PI) ; Gross, E. (PI) ; Haddow, G. (PI) ; Hammer, G. (PI) ; Hanowell, L. (PI) ; Harrison, T. (PI) ; Hill, C. (PI) ; Honkanen, A. (PI) ; Horn, J. (PI) ; Howard, S. (PI) ; Jackson, E. (PI) ; Jaffe, R. (PI) ; Kamra, K. (PI) ; Kanevsky, M. (PI) ; Kaufman, D. (PI) ; Kirz, J. (PI) ; Krane, E. (PI) ; Kuan, C. (PI) ; Kulkarni, V. (PI) ; Lemmens, H. (PI) ; Leong, M. (PI) ; Lighthall, G. (PI) ; Lipman, S. (PI) ; MacIver, M. (PI) ; Macario, A. (PI) ; Mackey, S. (PI) ; Malott, K. (PI) ; Mariano, E. (PI) ; McGregor, D. (PI) ; Mihm, F. (PI) ; Mora-Mangano, C. (PI) ; Mudumbai, S. (PI) ; Nekhendzy, V. (PI) ; Oakes, D. (PI) ; Pai Cole, S. (PI) ; Patterson, D. (PI) ; Pearl, R. (PI) ; Peltz, G. (PI) ; Pollard, J. (PI) ; Prasad, R. (PI) ; Ramamoorthy, C. (PI) ; Ramamurthi, R. (PI) ; Ratner, E. (PI) ; Riley, E. (PI) ; Robbins, W. (PI) ; Rosenthal, M. (PI) ; Saidman, L. (PI) ; Sarnquist, F. (PI) ; Sastry, S. (PI) ; Scherrer, G. (PI) ; Schmiesing, C. (PI) ; Shafer, A. (PI) ; Shafer, S. (PI) ; Singh, V. (PI) ; Tanaka, P. (PI) ; Traynor, A. (PI) ; Trudell, J. (PI) ; Vokach-Brodsky, L. (PI) ; Williams, G. (PI) ; Wise-Faberowski, L. (PI) ; Yeomans, D. (PI) ; Younger, J. (PI) ; van der Starre, P. (PI)

BIOC 399: Graduate Research and Special Advanced Work

Allows for qualified students to undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Satisfactory/No Credit

CBIO 399: Graduate Research

Students undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Cancer Biology Ph.D. students must register as soon as they begin dissertation-related research work.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)
Instructors: Alizadeh, A. (PI) ; Artandi, S. (PI) ; Attardi, L. (PI) ; Axelrod, J. (PI) ; Bassik, M. (PI) ; Beachy, P. (PI) ; Bendall, S. (PI) ; Bhutani, N. (PI) ; Blaschke, T. (PI) ; Blau, H. (PI) ; Bogyo, M. (PI) ; Brown, J. (PI) ; Brown, P. (PI) ; Brunet, A. (PI) ; Calos, M. (PI) ; Cartwright, C. (PI) ; Chang, C. (PI) ; Chang, H. (PI) ; Chen, J. (PI) ; Cho, Y. (PI) ; Chu, G. (PI) ; Chua, K. (PI) ; Cimprich, K. (PI) ; Cleary, M. (PI) ; Cochran, J. (PI) ; Cohen, S. (PI) ; Contag, C. (PI) ; Crabtree, G. (PI) ; Cyert, M. (PI) ; Denko, N. (PI) ; Diehn, M. (PI) ; Dixon, S. (PI) ; Engleman, E. (PI) ; Fang, G. (PI) ; Feldman, B. (PI) ; Felsher, D. (PI) ; Ferrell, J. (PI) ; Fire, A. (PI) ; Ford, J. (PI) ; Frydman, J. (PI) ; Fuller, M. (PI) ; Giaccia, A. (PI) ; Gozani, O. (PI) ; Graef, I. (PI) ; Graves, E. (PI) ; Hoffman, A. (PI) ; Jackson, P. (PI) ; Khavari, P. (PI) ; Kim, S. (PI) ; Kim, S. (PI) ; Knox, S. (PI) ; Koong, A. (PI) ; Krasnow, M. (PI) ; Kuo, C. (PI) ; Le, Q. (PI) ; Lee, P. (PI) ; Levy, R. (PI) ; Levy, S. (PI) ; Lipsick, J. (PI) ; Lowe, A. (PI) ; Lu, B. (PI) ; Majeti, R. (PI) ; Mallick, P. (PI) ; Marinkovich, M. (PI) ; Meyer, T. (PI) ; Mitchell, B. (PI) ; Mochly-Rosen, D. (PI) ; Monje-Deisseroth, M. (PI) ; Morrison, A. (PI) ; Negrin, R. (PI) ; Nelson, W. (PI) ; Nolan, G. (PI) ; Nusse, R. (PI) ; Oro, A. (PI) ; Peehl, D. (PI) ; Plevritis, S. (PI) ; Pollack, J. (PI) ; Porteus, M. (PI) ; Qi, S. (PI) ; Rabinovitch, M. (PI) ; Rando, T. (PI) ; Rankin, E. (PI) ; Rao, J. (PI) ; Reijo Pera, R. (PI) ; Rohatgi, R. (PI) ; Rosen, G. (PI) ; Sage, J. (PI) ; Sakamoto, K. (PI) ; Scott, M. (PI) ; Shapiro, L. (PI) ; Sidow, A. (PI) ; Sikic, B. (PI) ; Skotheim, J. (PI) ; Stearns, T. (PI) ; Stockdale, F. (PI) ; Sun, Z. (PI) ; Sunwoo, J. (PI) ; Sweet-Cordero (PI) ; Teruel, M. (PI) ; Walbot, V. (PI) ; Wang, K. (PI) ; Wang, T. (PI) ; Weis, W. (PI) ; Weissman, I. (PI) ; Wernig, M. (PI) ; Winslow, M. (PI) ; Wong, A. (PI) ; Wysocka, J. (PI)

COMPMED 399: Graduate Research

Investigations sponsored by individual faculty members.Opportunities are available in comparative medicine and pathology, immuno-histochemistry, electron microscopy, molecular genetics, quantitative morphometry, neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the hippocampus, pathogenesis of intestinal infections, immunopathology, biology of laboratory rodents, anesthesiology of laboratory animals, gene therapy of animal models of neurodegenerative diseases, and development and characterization of transgenic animal models. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)

CSB 399: Graduate Research

Students undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Satisfactory/No Credit

CTS 399: Graduate Research

Allows for qualified students to undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Satisfactory/No Credit

DBIO 399: Graduate Research

Students undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)

DERM 399: Graduate Research

Allows for qualified students to undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Opportunities are available in dermatopathology, histochemistry, electron microscopy, biochemistry, tissue culture, quantitative and qualitative evaluation of peripheral vascular disease and sweating, immunofluorescent microscopy, connective tissue molecular biology, and wound healing. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Satisfactory/No Credit

FAMMED 399: Graduate Research

Students interested in conducting research in a specific area of family and community medicine undertake investigations sponsored by the faculty instructor. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)

GENE 399: Graduate Research

Investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Altman, R. (PI) ; Ashley, E. (PI) ; Attardi, L. (PI) ; Baker, J. (PI) ; Barna, M. (PI) ; Bassik, M. (PI) ; Bhatt, A. (PI) ; Brunet, A. (PI) ; Bustamante, C. (PI) ; Calos, M. (PI) ; Cherry, J. (PI) ; Cohen, S. (PI) ; Curtis, C. (PI) ; Davis, R. (PI) ; Fire, A. (PI) ; Ford, J. (PI) ; Fordyce, P. (PI) ; Francke, U. (PI) ; Frydman, J. (PI) ; Fuller, M. (PI) ; Gitler, A. (PI) ; Greely, H. (PI) ; Greenleaf, W. (PI) ; Hanson-Kahn, A. (PI) ; Herzenberg, L. (PI) ; Herzenberg, L. (PI) ; Kay, M. (PI) ; Kim, S. (PI) ; Kirkegaard, K. (PI) ; Kundaje, A. (PI) ; Li, J. (PI) ; Lipsick, J. (PI) ; Montgomery, S. (PI) ; Nakauchi, H. (PI) ; Ormond, K. (PI) ; Pringle, J. (PI) ; Pritchard, J. (PI) ; Reijo Pera, R. (PI) ; Sage, J. (PI) ; Sherlock, G. (PI) ; Sidow, A. (PI) ; Snyder, M. (PI) ; Stearns, T. (PI) ; Steinmetz, L. (PI) ; Tang, H. (PI) ; Urban, A. (PI) ; Villeneuve, A. (PI) ; Vollrath, D. (PI) ; Winslow, M. (PI)
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