
Michalak Lab

Last Updated: 11/9/2015

Contact Information

    Anna Michalak
    Department of Global Ecology
    Carnegie Institution for Science
    260 Panama St.
    Stanford, CA 94305
    phone: 650-353-4247


Our Focus

Our research interests focus on characterizing complexity and quantifying uncertainty in environmental systems with the goal of improving our understanding of these systems and our ability to forecast their variability. Our current research interests focus on atmospheric greenhouse gas emission and sequestration estimation, water quality monitoring and contaminant source identification, and use of remote sensing data for earth system characterization. The common theme of our research is the development and application of spatiotemporal statistical data fusion methods for optimizing the use of limited in situ and remote sensing environmental data. We are also interested in the environmental policy, economic and legal impact and applicability of environmental research.

Recent Publication Summaries

  • 20 October 2015: Mapping satellite Earth observations (Tadić et al., Geoscientific Model Development) Summary coming soon
  • 19 October 2015: A reflection on 50 years of the journal Water Resources Research (Rajaram et al., Water Resources Research) Summary coming soon
  • 8 September 2015: Diagnosing trends in global terrestrial evapotranspiration (Mao et al., Environmental Research Letters) Summary coming soon
  • 5 June 2015: Global patterns of soil organic carbon (Tian et al., Global Biogeochemical Cycles) Summary coming soon