General Medicine Clerkship (MED 300A)
Duration: 8 Weeks
Director: Abraham Verghese MD
The General Medicine Clerkship provides medical students with core knowledge of the field of medicine. Students will gain this knowledge through extensive reading and participation in medical rounds and lectures. They will gain clinical experience by working under the supervision of house staff.
Ambulatory Medicine Core Clerkship (MED 313A)
Duration: 4 weeks
Director: Jacqueline Tai-Edmonds, MD
The Ambulatory Medicine clerkship (AMC) combines clinic sessions in both general internal medicine and subspecialty medicine. It includes assigned readings, small group discussions, computer-assisted drills, posing and answering clinical questions with critical appraisal of the literature, and problem-based cases to reinforce principles and complexities of diagnosis and management. The didactics emphasize preventive medicine, cardiovascular, respiratory, and endocrinological disorders, and common clinical presentations in outpatient practice.