CS547 Human-Computer Interaction Seminar  (Seminar on People, Computers, and Design)

Fridays 12:30-1:50 · Gates B01 · Open to the public
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Andruid Kerne
Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University; Interface Ecology Lab
Human-Centered Computing for Creativity and Expression
October 21, 2011

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The Interface Ecology Lab develops computing as a medium of expression, coordination, and ideation. The interface-as-ecosystem is a border zone that juxtaposes disparate representational systems. We synthesize diverse fields to investigate -- art, design, cognitive psychology, ethnography, and cultural studies -- with computer science and engineering. We develop human-centered computing for creativity and expression: interaction and information visualization techniques, creativity support tools, games, metadata semantics, programming languages, cultural theories, and evaluation methodologies. The IEL fosters integrative research projects that span hardware and software. ZeroTouch is a high-resolution multi-finger sensor for free-air interaction or to augment LCD, pen-based, and haptic displays with multi-touch. Trans-surface interaction techniques connect personal and social multi-touch surfaces. Zero-fidelity simulation games, based on fire emergency response practice, teach team coordination in motivating, fun environments. Information composition is a holistic, integrative representation for information collections connecting visual semantic clippings and annotations as a connected whole. Information-based ideation is an evaluation methodology deriving ideation metrics to validate creativity support tools. Support for Information Mapping in Programming Languages (S.IM.PL) constitutes an open-source cross-language type system to support practical distributed computing, connecting iOS, Java, and .NET. Meta-metadata extends the cross-language type system to develop an outrageous alternative to RDF for representing a metadata semantics web.

Andruid Kerne is a researcher working at the intersection of arts and sciences. He is associate professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University, and director of the Interface Ecology Lab. Andruid holds a B.A. in applied mathematics / electronic media from Harvard, an M.A. in music composition from Wesleyan, and a Ph.D. in computer science from NYU. Kerne's output has been presented by the Guggenheim Museum (New York), ACM CHI, SIGGRAPH, JCDL, Multimedia, CIKM, Creativity and Cognition, TEI, and Document Engineering, ISEA (Paris, San Jose), New York Digital Salon (New York, Spain, London, Beijing), the Milia New Talent Competition (Cannes), the Ars Electronica Center (Linz), the Boston Cyber Arts Festival, the Pan-African Theater Festival (Ghana), and the town square of the village of Anyako (Ghana). His work has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, Dance Theater Workshop, the Spaulding-Potter Fund for Innovative Education, and the Texas A&M Department of Computer Science, Arts Foundation, and Humanities Informatics Initiative. He has served as co-chair of the ACM Multimedia Interactive Art program for 3 years, and on program committees including CHI, JCDL, C&C, TEI, WWW, IUI, and DocEng. Press coverage includes Time, MSNBC, Discovery News, Popular Science, PC World, New Scientist, Slashdot, Engadget, Gizmodo, InRumor.com, and Le Monde.