Reitaku Foundation of America Undergraduate Scholarship Program

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National Deadline: Feb. 15, 2016
Official Website and Application


The goal of the Reitaku Foundation of America Undergraduate Scholarship Program is to promote educational and cultural exchange between the United States and Japan. Founded in 1959, Reitaku University has 2,800 students; approximately 19 percent of the population is from overseas. Two undergraduate scholarships are usually offered each year. 

The Award

For one academic year, winners will take part in Japanese language study as well as enroll in regular courses conducted in Japanese for at least ten class hours per week.  The award covers round-trip airfare, university tuition, dormitory fees, and a modest food allowance.   


Candidates for a Reitaku Foundation of America Scholarship:

  • Must be full-time undergraduate students
  • Must have studied Japanese for at least four semesters at the college level or its equivalent before arriving in Japan
  • Must be U.S. citizens
  • Must be under 25 years old

The Application

A Reitaku Foundation of America Scholarship application consists of the following:

  • A completed scholarship application form
  • Official university transcripts of all courses completed prior application deadline
  • Two letters of recommendation, one from a Japanese language instructor
  • A two to three page essay describing why the applicant wishes to study at Reitaku University and what the applicant hopes to accomplish
  • Scores for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, if you have taken it
  • Passport sixe photo

Finalists will have a phone or Skype interview in order to determine their level of proficiency in the Japanese language.  Award winners will be announced by April 1st, 2016. 

Although there is no Stanford campus process for the Reitaku Foundation of America awards, interested students should contact the ORC for a copy of the application and for guidance on the application process as well as review the Reitaku University website for details.


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