
When working with Stanford identity elements, it is important to be aware of the following university policies.

Licensed Use of Stanford Trademarks

Stanford's name and emblems are trademarks owned by the University. With limited exceptions, you must be licensed to use these trademarks. Stanford trademarks are not to be altered, diluted, or otherwise misused. For additional information on how to use Stanford University trademarks refer to:

If you are using the Block "S" with tree or Stanford word marks such as “Cardinal”, “The Farm”, or “Fear the Tree” on any item that is being sold or otherwise distributed in commerce, you must use artwork that includes the TM trademark designation. Please contact the Trademark Associate at (650) 723-3331 for information about licensing Stanford's trademarks and obtaining artwork with proper trademark designations. For other questions please contact the Director of Business Development at trademarks@stanford.edu or (650) 723-3331.

Name Use Requests

Requests to use the name Stanford, photographs of the university, or any of its seals, logos, or symbols in advertisements or marketing materials, press releases, movies or television programs must be directed to the Office University Communications.

The Office of Vice President for Business Affairs reviews requests for use of the Stanford name by external entities doing business with Stanford.

For more information, please see the University Name Use Requests.

Department & Administrative Unit Logos

At the request of the Office of the Provost, all logos and wordmarks developed by externally facing campus units require approval of the offices of University Communications and Trademarks & Licensing, with final approval by the Office of the Provost, as needed. For more information, please consult the Unit Logo Policy.

Stanford.EDU URL Assignment

Stanford University owns the Stanford.EDU Internet domain and governs its use to benefit the academic, research, communication and other University activities and interests. For information about rules that apply to Stanford.EDU domain names, please consult the Stanford.EDU URL Assignment Policy.

Stanford Business Card / Stationery Policy

You must have an official connection with Stanford and be conducting official university business in order to use Stanford business cards and stationery. For more details, please read the Stanford Business Card / Stationery policy.