Postdoctoral Opportunities at KIPAC

The Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) at Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is a young and vibrant research institute focused on answering a wide range of exciting and fundamental questions in astrophysics and cosmology.  

We offer postdoctoral opportunities for  recent Ph.D. scientists of exceptional promise in astrophysics, cosmology, and extrasolar planetary science. These positions offer opportunities to develop innovative research programs in these areas using computational, experimental, observational, and theoretical approaches.  Existing research programs at KIPAC include studies of dark energy, cosmic dynamics and structure formation, probing inflation with Cosmic Microwave Background polarization experiments, searches for dark matter, and studies of black holes, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, stars (including the sun), extrasolar planets, and other astrophysical sources.  A list of KIPAC Faculty research interests is here.

KIPAC Scientists are involved in many key projects which are, and will continue to, push the limit of current knowledge for many years to come.  Existing research programs at KIPAC include studies of dark energy, cosmic dynamics and structure formation, probing inflation with Cosmic Microwave Background polarization experiments, searches for dark matter, and studies of black holes, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, stars (including the sun), extrasolar planets, and other astrophysical sources. KIPAC members are involved in several experimental and survey projects which include cosmic surveys including (DES), DESI, and (LSST);  CMB experiments including BICEP/Keck Array , the Planck Satellite, the South Pole Telescope, the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, and LiteBIRD; dark matter experiments including (CDMS)/SuperCDMS, LUX, LZ, and hidden photon dark matter searches;  gamma-ray and X-ray surveys including the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope, NuSTAR, Astro-H, and Athena; CO intensity mapping; High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics; and studies of extrasolar planets including the Gemini Planet Imager, as well as and many other projects and observatories listed in our research and projects pages.

Our interests span instrumentation, observational and theoretical (both simulations and analytical) exploration of fundamental physics. KIPAC offers access to excellent laboratory facilities for instrument development and significant computational resources for theoretical astrophysics research and data analysis.  

Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on direct imaging of extrasolar planet - AAS JRID53562

Please apply here by March 31, 2016

Applicants will automatically be considered for all available postdoctoral opportunities at KIPAC.  These include:

Kavli and Porat Fellowships

The Kavli and Porat Fellowship programs offer outstanding young scientists with experience in computation, instrumentation, observation and theory, opportunities to develop innovative research programs in astrophysics and cosmology. Kavli and Porat Fellows will have the freedom to set their own research direction, but may collaborate with existing KIPAC groups when appropriate. Please use the same application as above.

KIPAC Postdoctoral Fellowships

KIPAC typically appoints more than ten postdoctoral fellows per year, including the Kavli and Porat Fellowships as well as additional KIPAC Postdoctoral Fellows. In addition to fellowship positions, we anticipate possible additional positions in the following areas.  Candidates are welcome (but not required) to contact the listed individuals with questions or to express interest.  However, all applicants will automatically be considered for all available postdoctoral opportunities at KIPAC.

  • Numerical simulations and other theoretical studies of cosmological structure formation, with applications to sky surveys and/or studies relevant to dark matter substructure. Contact Risa Wechsler to discuss specifics.
  • LUX/LZ - search for WIMP dark matter with the LUX / LZ group at SLAC, including science analysis and operations, hardware development and testing, and liquid xenon detector properties and purification. Contact Tom Shutt or Dan Akerib.
  • X-ray astrophysics and hardware work to support the development of instrumentation for the Athena mission. Contact Steve Allen.
  • CMB — Operations and science analysis on BICEP3/Keck Array; opportunities for involvement in SPT3G and AdvACTpol;  simulations and hardware R&D/architecture (optics, focal plane, detectors, readout) for CMB-S4, a next generation ground-based CMB survey. Contact Zeesh Ahmed.

External Fellowships

We are happy to support application for external Fellowships resident at KIPAC, and are proud to have supported several such fellows in the past. Interested prospective postdocs are encouraged to contact a KIPAC faculty member with overlapping research interests about their application.

Einstein Fellowships

Hubble Fellowships

Sagan Fellowships

NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowships

Jansky Fellowships


If you have already received an offer from KIPAC, please take a look at our information for new KIPAC members.  We look forward to welcoming you to our KIPAC community.