Because this meeting is intended to be a working session with specific outcomes (refinement and implementation of the current draft of the Medieval Manuscript Manifest; finalizing first pass at required web services; agreement on way forward with community viewer), the following is a guideline for the agenda that may change as the sessions progress.
Thursday, March 17, 2011 - SharedCanvas / Manifest Day
9:00 Introductions, opening comments and agenda setting
9:30 State of the model - Rob Sanderson
10:00 From manifest to viewer - Lee Reilly and Christopher Jesudurai
10:30 Coffee Break
10:45 Discussion of manifest-creation work at Hopkins and e-Codices (Mark Patton and Rafael Schwemmer)
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Working sessions
building and refining manifests from existing configuration files
tools using manifests (viewers, discovery, Digital Mappaemundi, Margot Annotation Tool)
2:45 Coffee Break
3:00 Continuing working sessions
4:00 Wrap-up: outcome - (shared scripts, documentation, implementation-specific requirements that the model doesn't address)
6:30 Group Dinner at the Calafia Cafe in Palo Alto
Friday, March 18, 2011 - Web services and viewers
9:00 Framing: Review web services requirements and conversations to date
9:30 Stanford's current image services (Douglas Kim)
10:30 Coffee Break
10:45 Working sessions:
Bibliographic and Image Technical metadata requirements/services
Descriptive metadata services
12:00 Lunch
1:00 (continued working sessions and documentation of results)
2:45 Coffee Break
3:00 Image viewer work for the community - where are we, what's next?
4:30 Conclusions, next-steps, timeline alignment
Evening Group Drinks and Dinner (ad hoc)