"Preventing Genocide" is a video documentary and archive grown out of the work of Dr. David A. Hamburg. Produced as an extension to Hamburg's book of the same name, the collection presents the perspectives of numerous world leaders -- including Kofi Annan and Desmond Tutu among many key figures -- as an educational resource, one that reveals the growing opportunities for the prevention of mass violence. Genocide need not happen ever again.
Imagine a World Free of Mass Violence
About the Collection
The Preventing Genocide collection contains the final documentary (trailer shown above) produced by David Hamburg and his son Eric Hamburg, as well as twenty-nine videotaped interviews with world leaders in the prevention of mass violence, which were used as source material for the film. Several cuts of the documentary are available for viewing.
Hamburg approached the documentary project with the intention to compile an archive of resources for use primarily by college and university students, as well as the general public. Upon completion of the documentary in 2009, Hamburg donated the collection to the Stanford University Libraries, and the web site was published later in the same year.
All of the collection interviews are accessible from this site as streaming Flash video. You need the Flash plug-in for playback in your web browser, but chances are you already have it installed.
Accompanying each interview is a written transcript (in full text and in downloadable PDF format) as well as biographical information about the interviewee.
About the Book
Hamburg's book Preventing Genocide: Practical Steps toward Early Detection and Effective Action represents the culmination of his many years of work dedicated to understanding and actively addressing this key global issue. It was published in 2008 by Paradigm Publishers.
Related Resources
Access and Permissions
The bibliographic citation for this collection is: Pioneers in the prevention of mass violence: digital video interviews, 2008-2009 (Mss Media 033).
Original materials in the collection are housed permanently in the Stanford Department of Special Collections and University Archives. To obtain a copy of the materials found on this site, please send the name of the person interviewed and the collection call number (Mss Media 033) to speccollref@stanford.edu. Copies of the interviews may not be reproduced or used for any purpose without permission from the copyright holder and the owning library. For permission requests, please contact the Public Services Librarian at speccollref@stanford.edu.
Stanford Libraries is grateful to the Flora Foundation for its generous support in the production of the Preventing Genocide web site. Stanford extends sincere appreciation to the individuals who agreed to be interviewed for the project and, more importantly, for their efforts to create a more peaceful world.
Videography and video post production for the Preventing Genocide interviews is by Rick English Pictures.