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Bridget Thrasher

Earth & Environmental Sciences Librarian
Bridget Thrasher


  • (650) 736-2131

Bridget's role in the library

I support the research needs of School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences (SE3) through materials collection and research support for the school's departments and their related labs and research groups. As the Earth & Environmental Sciences Librarian, I work with faculty and students to provide instructional support for SE3 undergraduate and graduate courses and to assist research through  consultations on various topics at the Branner Earth Sciences Library. In addition, I purchase books, journals, online databases and other resources by request for students and faculty.

Course Guides by Bridget

Course number Term Guide Instructor
GS 1 Winter 2017 GS 1: Introduction to Geology Sperling, E.
EARTH 117/EARTHSYS 117/ESS 117 Fall 2016 EARTH 117/EARTHSYS 117/ESS 117: Earth Sciences of the Hawaiian Islands Cina, S.; Fendorf, S.; Maples, S.; Petterson, R.; Reineman, A.; Reineman, D.; Vitousek, P.; Francis, E.
GS 150/GEOPHYS 199 Fall 2016 GS 150/GEOPHYS 199: Senior Seminar: Issues in Earth Sciences Bird, D and Sleep, N
GS 55Q Winter 2017 GS 55Q: The California Gold Rush Dennis K Bird
EARTH 100 Spring 2017 EARTH 100: Research preparation for undergraduates Cina, S

Professional activities

Special Libraries Association, Silicon Valley Chapter President-Elect 

Selected publications

Thrasher, B., Xiong, J., Wang, W., Melton, F., Michaelis, A., & Nemani, R. (2013). Downscaled climate projections suitable for resource managementEos, Transactions American Geophysical Union94(37), 321-323.

Thrasher, B., Maurer, E. P., McKellar, C., & Duffy, P. B. (2012). Technical Note: Bias correcting climate model simulated daily temperature extremes with quantile mappingHydrology and Earth System Sciences16(9), 3309-3314.

Thrasher, B. L., & Sloan, L. C. (2010). Land cover influences on the regional climate of western North America during the early EoceneGlobal and Planetary Change72(1), 25-31.

Thrasher, B. L., & Sloan, L. C. (2009). Carbon dioxide and the early Eocene climate of western North AmericaGeology37(9), 807-810.


MLIS, Library & Information Science, San Jose State University
PhD, Earth Science, University of California Santa Cruz
BS, Engineering & Applied Science, California Institute of Technology