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Joseph Maloba Makokha

Cubberley User Services Technology Specialist


  • (650) 725-1131

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Joseph's role in the library

Supports the technology needs of Cubberley patrons, including the computers and equipment within the library. Also involved in evaluating emerging technologies relevant to Stanford University Libraries' user needs, and frequently collaborates with faculty, scholars and staff on EdTech projects.

Professional activities

Has a background in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Information Technology, Teaching K-12, User Experience, and designing for learning and e-commerce amongst others.

More about Joseph

Interests include contemporary parenting, cooking, travel, fitness, DIY projects, urban gardening, listening to music, dancing, golf, reading ...


MA Education - Learning, Design & Technology (LDT), Stanford University, CA.
MA Education - Urban Education/Math Teaching Credential, Holy Names University, CA.
BSEE, University of Nairobi (Kenya)