FAQ stencil, photo by Flickr user a_kep

How can I reach you?

You can reach us at ask-data-services@lists.stanford.edu. Amy Hodge, Science Data Librarian, can be reached directly at amyhodge@stanford.edu or 650-556-5194.

Can you help me understand and meet the data management requirements of my funding agency/agencies?

Yes, we can. We keep tabs on what all the big funding agencies are doing, and would be happy to help you sort out the exact requirements of your particular funding agency as they relate to your research. Our data management plans page has some additional details.

I don't want to have to do a lot of extra work to meet these requirements. Can you make all of this easy on me?

We can't promise it will be easy, but we are doing our best to make it easier by providing access to tools and information that will help you better manage, preserve, and share your research data with your research group, your colleagues across campus, and other scientists around the world.

Can I get a private consultation about my data management needs?

Yes! Contact us (see above) with your questions and we'll find a time to talk with you via email, phone, or in person. Whatever best fits your needs.