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Support and Contacts for TAs

Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (VPTL)

VPTL provides integrated support of teaching and learning at Stanford.  It works with teachers at all levels (faculty, graduate students, etc.) to develop effective curricular and pedagogical practices. TAs can contact them with questions about course design and/or implementation. It subsumes the former Center for Teaching and Learning.  Its staff is delighted to hear about new ideas for effective teaching in Linguistics, the Humanities, or the Social Sciences, in general.

For resources on learning that you can point undergraduates to, including tutoring and academic skilsl coaching, consult VPTL's Student resources page.

For resources on teaching at Stanford, including teaching by graduate students, go to the Teaching Commons page.


Office of Community Standards

Contact the Office of Community Standards with any questions related to the Honor Code. If a TA observes honor code violations, report these directly to the instructor.


Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

CAPS provides a confidential setting for TAs and students to address issues related to mental health. If a TA/student is experiencing extreme stress, he/she should not hesitate to contact CAPS and set up an appointment. If a TA notices that a student is experiencing psychological duress, he/she should either talk to the student about meeting with CAPS or find someone else (e.g., instructor, graduate/undergraduate student coordinator) to talk to the student. Any student who has paid the Campus Health Service Fee is eligible for a mental health evaluation without additional charge.


Office of Accessible Education (OAE)

The OAE works collaboratively with faculty and other teaching staff to meet Stanford's obligations to provide equal access to educational opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students.  They have developed a series of short, introductory videos to highlight the Stanford resources, policies and processes that are in place to help faculty and other Stanford staff  provide academic accommodations to students with disabilities, while upholding academic standards. Three particularly useful videos are:


Bechtel International Center

The Bechtel International Center provides help and resources for international students.