11/30/2015 - Honda Lifts Retirement Age to 65 as Japan Inc. Copes With Aging
11/13/2105 - Japan Aging So Fast That Seniors Now Make Up Over 10% of New Prison Inmates
11/2/2015 - What Singapore’s plan for an aging population can teach the United States
10/29/2015 - China to End One-Child Policy, Allowing Families Two Children
10/6/2015 - Europe's Aging Society Seen as Roadblock for Economic Revival
9/11/2015 - Migrants could help solve Europe's aging problem
4/28/2015 - Will childless Millennials turn America into Japan?
4/24/2015 - What Sweden and Japan Can Teach the U.S. About Its Aging Workforce
4/18/2015 - Japan’s Population Falls to 15-Year Low
1/22/2015 - Japan: No longer Asia's fastest-aging nation?
1/20/2015 - The Productivity Challenge of an Aging Global Workforce
11/12/2014 - Are our low birthrates and aging population threatening the economy?
8/6/2014 - Why immigrants are the best thing that happened to Medicare
5/29/2014 - How an aging population could be tonic for the economy
5/6/2014 - Graying of America Is Speeding, Report Says
4/24/2104 - The Aging World: The world’s oldest populations, mapped
2/18/2014 - Unique Retirement Planning Challenges Facing Hispanic Americans
2/9/2014 - Good News About Our Aging Population
2/4/2014 - The countries that will be most impacted by aging population
1/30/2014 - Immigration Is the Only Reason the U.S. Doesn't Have an Aging Crisis
1/30/2014 - Americans shrug off worries over aging world population
1/21/2014 - Asia’s Aging Population Will Be a Topic at Davos
1/5/2014 - Japan’s Aging Reflects Asia’s Future
10/23/2013 - Aging Population Could Trim 3% Off China GDP Growth
9/30/2013 - Global Study: World Not Ready for Aging Population
9/22/2013 - The aging in Asia face a new decade like no other
8/14/2013 - Animated chart shows the aging of America
7/18/2013 - Racial Disparities in Life Spans Narrow, but Persist
6/24/2013 - International Aging: It's Not What You Think
6/13/2013 - Census Benchmark for White Americans: More Deaths Than Births
5/31/2013 - Older women in China fare worse than men
5/30/2013 - Aging Chinese Face a Bleak Picture
5/29/2013 - For Medicare, Immigrants Offer Surplus, Study Finds
5/24/2013 - How Growth of Elderly Population in U.S. Compares with Other Countries
4/24/2013 - Census Bureau Profile America Facts for Features: Older Americans Month: 5/2013
4/2/2013 - The Longevity Economy: From The Elderly, A New Source Of Economic Growth
3/12/2013 - L.A. population will be much older, more settled, study says
3/10/2013 - Research ties economic inequality to gap in life expectancy
3/5/2013 - New Study Shows U.S. Lags Behind Other High-Income Countries in Female Lifespan
2/26/2013 - Immigration brings new senior citizens
2/19/2013 - Millions expect to outlive retirement savings
2/16/2013 - The U.S. Is Aging Faster Than Anticipated
2/7/2013 - Does An Aging Population Hurt The Economy?
2/6/2013 - California's Baby Boomers on Track to Overwhelm State's Younger Working Adults
1/22/2013 - Fitch: Aging Population Putting Economies At Risk Of 'Fiscal Shock'
1/21/2013 - Europe's Accelerated Aging Problem
1/8/2013 - California has fewer kids, more elderly
1/4/2013 - South Korea Prepares The Young For A Rapidly Aging Population
1/2/2013 - Aging Americans May Weigh on Entitlement Cuts: Chart of the Day
12/15/2012 - Without Babies, Can Japan Survive?
12/14/2012 - New Burden of Disease study shows world’s people living longer but with more disability
12/14/2012 - Life Expectancy Rises Around the World, Study Finds
12/7/2012 - Why The Falling Birthrate Is Bad News For My 2-Year-Old Son
12/6/2012 - The Baby Boom Bump
12/1/2012 - More Babies, Please
10/10/2012 - How in the World Will We Care for All the Elderly?