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cimc/Cleanups (MapServer)

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Service Description: Accidents, spills, leaks, and past improper disposal and handling of hazardous materials and wastes have resulted in tens of thousands of sites across our country that have contaminated our land, water (groundwater and surface water), and air (indoor and outdoor). EPA and its state and territorial partners have developed a variety of cleanup programs to assess and, where necessary, clean up these contaminated sites. CIMC ( brings together the data from many of these cleanup programs and lets people map, list and access cleanup progress profiles for sites across the US so that people can know what is going on in their communities. The CIMC web service provides access to the mapping component of the CIMC web application. The Cleanups in My Community (CIMC) web service contains the following map layers: Incidents of National Significance (from the website) – with links to the relevant web pages, Superfund NPL sites (propose, final and deleted)(from CERCLIS – soon to be SEMS) – with links to the cleanup profiles, RCRA Corrective Action Sites (by various cleanup categories)(2020 baseline facilities only, not all RCRA sites because RCRA sites that are not corrective action are not cleanups)(from RCRAInfo) – with links to the cleanup profiles, Brownfields Properties (by grant type)(from ACRES) – with links to the cleanup profiles, Brownfields Grant jurisdictions (polygons)(from ACRES) – with links to the grant information, Federal facilities that are also Superfund or RCRA CA sites and BRAC (from the page for federal facilities), Recovery Act locations (for Superfund and Brownfields only) (from CERCLIS and ACRES), Emergency removals (from For context we also include: American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) Areas (US Census), Congressional Districts (113th Congressional District TIGER/Line Shapefiles 2010), Impaired Waters – with links to additional data (OW web service), NPDES permitted facilities (US EPA WATERS mapping service) – with links to Waters, Water Monitoring Stations (US EPA STORET) – with links to monitoring data, Air Non-attainment areas for 7 categories (US EPA/OAR web service),Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) sites (US EPA TRI database) – with links to US EPA Envirofacts reports. We are open to new ideas on how CIMC services can be improved. Please contact us ( to communicate your ideas to us.

Map Name: Layers


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Layers: Tables: Description:

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Spatial Reference: 102100  (3857)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriMeters


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

MaxRecordCount: 1000

MaxImageHeight: 2048

MaxImageWidth: 2048

Supported Query Formats: JSON, AMF

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

Supported Operations:   Export Map   Identify   Find   Return Updates   Generate KML