For course details and up-to-date information please go to: Stanford University Explore Courses
Note for instructors: If you have a course website that you would like to have linked here, please email the link to the Student Services Specialist.
Number | Title | Instructor | Website |
MATH 19 | Calculus | Staff | |
MATH 20 | Calculus | Staff | |
MATH 41 | Calculus (Accelerated) | Yang, Tian | |
MATH 41A | Calculus ACE | Yang, Tian | |
MATH 42 | Calculus (Accelerated) | Lemke Oliver, Robert | |
MATH 42A | Calculus ACE | Lemke Oliver, Robert | |
MATH 51 | Linear Algebra and Differential Calculus of Several Variables | Lucianovic, Mark | |
MATH 51A | Linear Algebra and Differential Calculus of Several Variables, ACE | Lucianovic, Mark | |
MATH 51H | Honors Multivariable Mathematics | Vasy, Andras | |
MATH 51H | Honors Multivariable Mathematics | Staff | |
MATH 51M | Introduction to MATLAB for Multivariable Mathematics | Staff | |
MATH 52 | Integral Calculus of Several Variables | Wieczorek, Wojciech | |
MATH 53 | Ordinary Differential Equations with Linear Algebra | Poulson, Jack | |
MATH 110 | Applied Number Theory and Field Theory | Staff | |
MATH 113 | Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory | Church, Thomas | |
MATH 115 | Functions of a Real Variable | Zheng, Tianyi | |
MATH 120 | Groups and Rings | Church, Thomas | |
MATH 131P | Partial Differential Equations I | Staff | |
MATH 136 | Stochastic Processes | Zheng, Tianyi | |
MATH 159 | Discrete Probabilistic Methods | Staff | |
MATH 161 | Set Theory | Sommer, Richard | |
MATH 162 | Philosophy of Mathematics | Donaldson, Thomas | |
MATH 171 | Fundamental Concepts of Analysis | Mazzeo, Rafe | |
MATH 175 | Elementary Functional Analysis | Staff | |
MATH 193 | Polya Problem Solving Seminar | Soundararajan, Kannan | |
MATH 197 | Senior Honors Thesis | Staff | |
MATH 198 | Practical Training | Conrad, Brian | |
MATH 199 | Independent Work | Staff | |
MATH 205A | Real Analysis | Ryzhik, Leonid | |
MATH 210A | Modern Algebra I | Bump, Daniel | |
MATH 215A | Complex Analysis, Geometry, and Topology | Staff | |
MATH 216A | Introduction to Algebraic Geometry | Vakil, Ravi | |
MATH 220 | Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics | Vasy, Andras | |
MATH 230A | Theory of Probability | Montanari, Andrea | |
MATH 235A | Topics in combinatorics | Fox, Jacob | |
MATH 272 | Topics in Partial Differential Equations | Ryzhik, Leonid | |
MATH 282A | Low Dimensional Topology | Kerckhoff, Steven | |
MATH 305 | Applied Mathematics Through Toys and Magic | Staff | |
MATH 391 | Research Seminar in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics | Feferman, Solomon | |
MATH 802 | TGR Dissertation | Staff |