Recalling Emeriti (not under FRIP)

Emeritus or Emerita faculty who retired but did not take advantage of the Faculty Retirement Incentive Program may be recalled for a year at a time at the department's discretion. There are no programmatic limits on what percentage of time they may work or be paid, or how many times they can be recalled.

Retirement and Recall to Active Duty

Professors emeritus or emerita may be recalled to active duty in any department, regardless of previous departmental affiliation. They may be paid or unpaid, and are generally recalled for a year at a time.

Step by Step Process

Before you get started, and at least four months before the faculty member's intended retirement date:

2.  The faculty member must fill out a Notice of Intent to Retire pdf and submit it for the department chair's signature. Please note: The "retirement date" on the form must be the last day of work (not the first day of retirement)

3.  Submit to the Office of Academic Affairs the Notice of Intent to Retire with original signatures of the faculty member and the department chair. Copies will not be accepted.


At the appropriate time, the department also initiates a PeopleSoft Workflow transaction to terminate the faculty member.

Non-FRIP Recall Appointment

Pre-requisite: the FASA retirement transaction must be complete. Follow these instructions for initial and subsequent recalls.

1. Recall a retired faculty member using FASA. Instructions on how to submit emeriti recalls (non-FRIP) appear in the FASA Reference Guide and in the School of Medicine Supplement.

Required attachment: Draft Offer Letter - use Emeritus Faculty offer letter template doc for a paid recall. For an unpaid recall attach the department chair's memo to the faculty member describing the details of the recall appointment, including start and end dates, percent time of appointment, and expected duties (clinical, teaching, and/or research).

2. Financial review is conducted as a separate process and initiated by submitting to Finance:

Draft offer letterdoc

Personnel Action Form (PAF)

Finance staff reviews salary level, funding plan and all other financial terms.

3. After the non-FRIP recall appointment has been approved by the Provost's Office in FASA, Finance staff notifies the Department of financial approval and sends the draft offer letter containing edits (if any) required by Finance and Academic Affairs. The offer letter is to be finalized and sent to candidate. The signed offer letter is to be returned to Finance.

Percent time of Appointment (FTE) Change


1. Changes to an emeritus/emerita recall appointment are conducted in FASA.. Instructions on how to change the percent time of appointment appear in the User Reference Guide on page 17. Required attachment: Draft Offer Letter - use Emeritus Faculty offer letter template doc - ONLY IF:

FTE change of 10% or more from previous recall

change in benefits status (for example, going from more than 50% FTE to less than 50%, thus losing benefits eligibility).

2. Financial review is conducted as a separate process and initiated by submitting to Finance:

draft offer letter doc

Source of Salary Support formdoc

Finance staff reviews salary level, funding plan and all other financial terms.

3. After the non-FRIP recall appointment has been approved by the Provost's Office in FASA, Finance staff notifies the Department of financial approval and sends the draft offer letter containing edits (if any) required by Finance and Academic Affairs. The offer letter is to be finalized and sent to candidate. The signed offer letter is to be returned to Finance.

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