Promotion to Professor in the University Tenure Line
- A faculty member being considered for promotion to professor in the University Tenure Line should have a record demonstrating that he or she is capable of sustaining a first-rate teaching program during his or her career at Stanford.
- Teaching is broadly defined to include: the classroom, laboratory, or clinical setting; advising; mentoring; program building; and curricular innovation. Teaching may include undergraduates, graduate students, medical students, residents, postdoctoral fellows and in postgraduate and continuing medical education. It is recognized that many UTL faculty in clinical departments teach in small group sessions or with individual trainees.
- Factors considered in assessing teaching performance or promise include (but are not limited to) the following: knowledge of the material; clarity of exposition; style of interaction with students; availability; professionalism, institutional compliance and ethics; effective communication skills; helpfulness in learning; and ability to stimulate further education; and ability to work effectively as part of the teaching team.